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Tick tick tick. Tick tick tick.

The clock continued.

Tick tick tick. Tick tick tick.

I eyed it as the seconds passed. Ticking over and over.

Tick tick tick. Tick tick tick.

I thought of what brought me to this place. Nothing good.

Tick tick tick. Tick tick tick.

The room was white, blinding really. All that was heard was the accesive tick of the clock as I sat across from a door.

Tick tick tick. Tick tick ti-

The door opened jostling me from my thoughts. I was thankful yet winced as I saw the people come through the open door. Two men.

One of the men was noticeably shorter then the other. He looked about twenty-five with jet black hair and golden eyes. He was smiling at me, although I don't know why, his teeth were straight and white against his tan complexion. He was wearing a white button down shirt with black jeans and black shoes. I don't know why but his causual apereal made me fidget along with his smile.

The second man was much taller, almost hitting the door frame on his way in. He looked a few years older then the first about thirty with chocolate brown hair that contrasted nicely with his green eyes and tan skin. This man, however, did not smile. He wore a black shirt, with lettering I could not read, under a leather jacket with dark blue jeans and combat boots. He was muscular, enough to see through his shirt and jacket.

I looked at the two confused. I did not know why they were here I had never seen them before. Not that I ever saw anyone besides the very few that lived in this hell hole with me.

The man with the smile seemed to analyze me for a minute before he turned his gaze to the man beside him and murmered a few words. The second man furrowed his brows for a second before he responded in an equally quite voice. Just to low for me to hear.

The first man then looked back to me and said, with a wave, "Hello," his smile faded as he realized I wasn't going to speak back "Um... My name is Bennett and this is Joshua... We just want to, um..-"

Joshua intureppted Bennet by saying something that had me phisically falling off my chair, "We're adopting you."

And that is just the beginning.


Author's note:

Hello, I'm not quite sure if I will continue this story as I do not have anything planned for it. I thought I would start and see how it goes. Please enjoy and comment and crtizie as you please. Thank you.

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