How ya'll met eachother; pt 1

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Your parents thought that you needed to get outside more and then they heard from one of their friends about Camp Campbell and they though "Oh this will most definitely be the BEST thing to do for our child. That was about several summers ago, since then you've been pretty successful in befriending max. If you can even really call it that. You see Max all the time now since you found out you both go to the same school.
Little did you know things between you and max were much more complicated than you thought.

You always hated going to other places, even more places that were extremely crowded. Due to that you spent most of your time in your room working on coding the game that you have been working on for months on end. That was until you found your way onto a bus headed to a summer camp, as your parents oh so dearly asked of you. You sat by yourself in your seat for about 30 minutes until somebody came through the walkway and asked to sit with you. He was wearing a yellow turtleneck, and didn't seem threatening. You nodded and went on with your daydreaming. Little did you know you were about to want to talk to that boy much more than you did at that moment.


You signed up for (what ever camp you want) because you needed something to do. When you got off the bus you saw a girl with teal hair. All you could do is stare as she walked around. You were just mesmerized by her entire demeanor.

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