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August POV
after we had that big fight in the mall and when I say everybody I mean everybody and they mama watch the whole thing go down and she really is going to her sisters house but I really don't want her to leave I still can't believe what happened today and I know she think I'm cheating on her but I'm not I don't know what I'm going to do I'm just fucking pissed off I don't want her to go to her damn sisters house her mom and her sister is crazy ass fuck and I just got a bad feeling about this maybe I can get her to stay home and not go

August: Cassidy baybeh I'm sorry but frfr I did not kiss that damn girl kiss that girl she kissed me first

Cassidy: August if you stop talking about it I will stay home ok just stop

August: ok but first we going out to eat with Chris and Asia so we going home to change

Cassidy: ok
It was quite after that I turn up the radio and one of Cassidy songs came on and we both started to sing it when the song was over we went in to the house and started to get ready we got in the shower together then we got out she started getting dressed and so was I then I was waiting on her

August: come on Cassidy we going to be late

Cassidy: nigga I have to do my hair wait damn doing this dose not take one minute

August: whatever just hurry the hell up so we can go

Cassidy: August keep talking to me like that and I'm going to pop your ass in the mouth

August: do it and watch what happens



Cassidy: August just go start the damn car I'm tired of fighting with you all the damn time

Cassidy: August just go start the damn car I'm tired of fighting with you all the damn time when I said that I was done with my hair and I felt August wrap his arms around me and then started to kiss on my neck

August: I'm sorry baybeh I'm just having a bad day

Cassidy: whatever did you start the car

August: yea lets go

We walk down stairs and to the garage and got in the benz then he pulled off on the way there I was texting Asia (A/N by the way I'm changing starsaisa name to just Asia now so now her name is ASIA remember that I changed it)

Text convo
😂Asia bae😍: where Yall at

😘Cassidy boo😍: we on the way yall there already

😂Asia bae😍: yea we got us a table so when Yall come in tell them you with us

😘Cassidy boo😍: ok bae see you soon

😂Asia bae😍: ok boo 😍😂

End of text convo

When me and her stop texting we pulled up to the place and we parked the car and got out and August grabbed my hand and we walk inside

???: table for 2

August: nah we are here to meet someone

Then chris walks up to us

Chris:hey yall

August&Cassidy: hey

We started to walk to the table and sat down we started to talk and the waitress came over to us and then I notice it was that bitch I punched in the nose

Chay: hey baby

August: I'm not your damn baybeh

Chris: Chay can you go get the Manager

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