Chapter 5

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We reach the Willow tree slightly out of breath. Ry had asked to slow down, and we did, but we were still going pretty fast. I'm surprised that Ry hasn't burst into tears yet. I would be terrified if I were in her shoes, and usually she lets go when we are alone and just spills everything. I think that's why we get along so well, she and I know everything about each other. I pull my phone out and call the police. They say that they will check the property in about an hour and start looking for Ry's mom. When I'm done on the phone I turn to look at Ry.
"I know what you're thinking..." Ry had slipped her arms from over my shoulder and began pacing under the long leaves of the willow tree while I was on the phone.
"And what exactly is it that I am thinking?" I say.
"You're expecting me to start balling and telling you all my feelings and we will just have a classic Dr. Phil moment. At least I think that is what you are thinking. I hope that that's what you're thinking, because you are exactly right. I must be going crazy, because I am flipping out."
She stood there, looking at the ground, and I can see the shine of tears running down her cheeks. Something inside me breaks every time I see her cry. I step over to her slowly and stand directly in front of her.
"Listen, we will wait here until my dad gets home. Then we can tell him what happened...minus the talking wolf...and he can help us figure this out. I just called the police, they will help us. I just need you to calm down and we can find something to do to pass time and keep your mind off of things."
I lift her chin gently with my fingers and look directly into her dark blue eyes, swollen with tears. She looks back at me, and I wipe a stray tear from her cheek with my thumb. It has been silent for too long, and we just stand there, staring at each other. Finally, I lean forward and slowly press my lips against hers. At first she seems shocked, but then puts her hands on my chest and leans into me. I'm about three inches taller than her so she has to stand on her toes. I pull back and look into her eyes and I smile. That just might have been the best moment of my life...even if it happened at the worst time. She grabs my hand and we walk to the base of the tree. I feel the ground lifting beneath me as we are raised to a large branch of the willow tree. Stepping carefully, we make ourselves comfortable among the leaves and branches. She sits next to me and leans into my chest, so I put my arm around her and rest my head back against the tree. We fall asleep like that.

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