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I got home at sat on my roof again, but only Luke never showed up this time. The card, the rose, the kiss, everything he did gad me thinking. He really does love me. Maybe I was wrong. Everything he said. Do I love him? He's always on my mind, so I must.

I climbed down from the roof, then went next door to Ashton's window banging on it.

Ashton opens the window and I ask,"Where does Luke live?"

Ashton writes it down on a piece of paper, and I take off. Once I get to his house I knock on thd door. No answer. So I kept knocking. No one amswered. So I sat there lean on the door till Luke got home, but I fell asleep before then.


I woke on a couch with a women looking at me.

"She's awake!" She yells.

"Mom. Stop watching her!" I hear a voice from a distance.

"Sorry Luke. It's just a girl has never come to visit for you." She said to the othef voice.

Wait I'm in Luke's house. And this is Luke's mother. I'm and totally creeped out of how she was watching me.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8:38p.m." Luke's mother answered.

"Crap! I got to go home." I say.

"Wait why'd you come here?" His mom asks.

"Just nevermind." I run out the his house, weirded out.

"Cass!" I turn around and saw Luke and stopped running,"What is it Cass?"


"No you came all the way to my house. What is it?" Luke's wants to know.

"It's about what you said." I look at the ground.

"What about it?"

"You're right. You're a 100% correct. I realize it know and that's all." I say then I go the walk away then turn around and say,"Dance? With? Me? As? Date?"

"I'd love too." Luke smiles.

Alone: Luke Hemmings Fanfiction Part#1Where stories live. Discover now