Part 4 Im sorry

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How can Jungkookie turn her back on her own girlfriend? Jiminie felt hurt as her girlfriend now thinks of her as a monster and won't let her near her own soulmate.

Taehyungie: What are you here for? I thought you never wanted to see my face ever again. What made you change your mind?

Jiminie: I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those words to you. Cam you forgive me?

Taehyungie: I don't know, I'll have to think about it. Until then, please leave.

Jiminie felt hurt. Was she really about to kick her out?

Jungkookie: You heard what she said Jimin, leave.

Jminie: Please let me stay. I miss you guys.

Jungkookie: Yeah whatever.

Jiminie: Please let me stay! Taehyungie it's up to you right?

Taehyungie: Yeah it is up to me. So I say leave. I don't even want you here myself.

Jiminie: W-what? You don't want your own soul mate here with you?

Jungkookie: You heard what she said. Now leave before I call security.

Jiminie: Okay I'll leave, but I just want to say I love you guys. Goodbye.

Jimin: Yah, why did you kick her out?

Jungkookie: Ask her. She said some rude things to Taehyungie and made her sad so I had to do so.

Jungkook: Even so Jungkookie, you shouldn't kick her out like that. Taehyungie you knew she's your soulmate why would you kick her out? Don't you think she's hurt?

Jungkookie: Why don't you understand that Jiminie said mean things to her and I'm not gonna let that slide.

Taehyung: Taehyungie me and you need to talk.

Jungkookie: Where are you taking her?

Taehyung: I'm taking her back to her soul mate so they can talk.

Jungkookie: Well I'm going too.

Taehyung: No Kookie, stay where you are. She's not gonna get along if your with her all the time.

Jungkookie: I don't care! Take me with you! If she hurts her I will not forgive her (Jiminie)!

Jimin: You shouldn't talk about my sister like that! She did nothing wrong but look after Taehyung's sister!

Jungkookie: Well tell your sister to not talk to Taehyungie like that then maybe I won't talk about her.

Jimin: What did she ever do to you?

???: Everything, I did everything to her and I'm sorry for that.

Jimin: Jiminie? When did you come here?

Jiminie: She's right. I did everything and I even hurt my soulmate with my words. Until I realized why she ran away from school.

Jimin: What are you talking about, Jiminie?

Jiminie: In school, there were a group of girls that liked Jungkookie and were jealous because she was with Taehyungie and while Taehyungie was in the bathroom they followed her and said things like 'shes ours and if you go near her we'll kill you.' but I didn't know that's the reason why.

???: It's ok Jiminie. I forgive you.

(Vminkook Oneshot) When she find out that her girlfriend was abusedWhere stories live. Discover now