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Fusae was an average architecture student, forced into an unwanted life, who lived in the suburbs of Tokyo.
She didn't stand out with her appearance or character, she seemed to be quiet and calm, but in fact, to break away from reality she loved to make crazy, irrational decisions. The sharp tongue and sullen expression on face gave her the reputation of a terrible person, even though she wasn't.

That day wasn't very promising, or so she thought. During the break between lectures she sat on the rooftop. Leaning against one of the walls, she stared at the gloomy sky - the autumn wind gently caressing her skin. Long hair in shades of blonde, roots slightly darker flew in all directions, at the same time irritating her person. A loud sigh escaped her body as she grabbed the strands of hair and tied it in a low bun. She rested her head casually against the wall, her hand reaching to school bag. Fusae pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a chocolate Pocky she loved. Yokan truly hated the smell of cigarettes, the bitter aftertaste in the mouth they left behind, but in the end it was an addiction, something that suddenly will dead her. Therefore, she always wore a package of breadsticks to kill this repulsive bitterness.

She moved the cigarette to her mouth, placing it between, the fire that escaped from the ligher lit the head of a cigarette, the smell of it mingling with the crisp air. She inhaled hard on the smoke, letting it enter her most likely damaged lungs. Legs were slowly moved up, just so she could place her cheek on knees. Inhaling on the smoke, Fusae was looking at the sky, deep in her thoughts - still, her sweet peace was interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Right eyebrow rose up, gaze wandering to the ladder. Blueberry cigarette in two fingers, and candy in her mouth as her gaze spotted the dark brown hair of a well-known man. She snorted under her breath, feeling the indignation at his unwanted presence.

Rintarou Suna was one, big walking disaster. Truant, a law student who attended this because he simply got in. He barely did participate in classes, loved to wear sweatpants and sometimes to start a fight with one of the guys from various fraternities. He enjoyed watching the world collapse, life throwing obstacles at someone's feet.
Let's be honest - every man has his weakness. Suna could be really loving, tender, and by touch he showed his innermost feelings. He also appreciated honesty and the time spent together, which he usually devoted to a group of his friends. Until he noticed her person sitting on the roof. The brown haired man wasn't ready for a serious relationship, that was for sure... but a fleeting one was something he needed, desired. Rintarou knew he was too lazy to play courtship and he hated commitments, but then one thought flashed through his mind. What if I asked her about being friends with benefits? After all, he had always liked Fusae. The first moment he saw her - at the beginning of his second year in college, when she just got in. They bumped into each other randomly, Fusae rushing to the lecture, and him skipping school - to this place, which also turned out to be his favorite. During this time, he was looking for an answer that only led him to a previously unknown path.
He knew full well that Fusae was able to agree. Light-eyed woman was just as twisted as him, had crazy ideas and hated boredom. How did he know about this? A simple matter - long observation, analysis and curiosity, which he possessed. It allowed him to come to this conclusion.

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