Part One: Icewing Hybrids

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We know the description of the mighty and fierce Icewings from The Official Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia and Pantala: silvery scales like the moon or pale blue like ice with ridged ice-gripping claws, forked blue tongues, and narrow whip-like tails. With the ability to withstand the harsh Artic cold and light and their deadly icy breath, they are an example of how dangerous beauty can truly be sometimes. This mixed with the powers and appearances of the other Tribes can result in more beauty and dangers than we have barely begun to understand.

Icewing/Mudwing Hybrids

Imagine the Icewing's sleekness and beauty mixed with the Mudwing's brawn and strength. Most of such Hybrids do not possess the ability to breathe solely fire or solely ice. They can either rotate between the two if they learn to control their internal body temperature, or more commonly, breathe out boiling steam. Should there be the rare occurrence of a hybrid hatching from a Mudwing blood-red egg, they would be impervious to flames and heat, and the cold and light. They would be as unbreakable as stone. Hence, their name: Gravelwings.

Other names: Geyserwings

Icewing/Nightwing hybrid

Striking and mysterious. Echoes of the dread, Darkstalker, they encounter unprecedented fear and prejudice everywhere, but in Enchanted. They are twice as likely to be animus, or so it is rumored. Like Gravelwings, they can either possess alternating fire-ice breath with concentration and practice, or the common steam breath. They can possess the Nightwing gifts of mind-reading and/or prophecy.

Other names: Darkwings, Stalkwings ( more derogatory and discriminating terms)

Icewing/ Rainwing hybrid

Beauty from both ends of the spectrum brought together into one truly-stunning creature. Their colors and patterns can vary (e.i. have self-morphing colors, limited color-changing abilities, diluted colored scales, etc.); their tails can vary as well (e.i. curled with spikes, curled with no spikes, normal spiked Icewing tail, or non-spiked Icewing tail). Their breath can be very unique, most possessing the ability to breathe "toxic ice", a mixture of ice and Rainwing venom. When their breath touches a dragon's scales, it freezes onto their skin and the venom seeps into them as the ice melts. . . A very long and painful way to die.

Other names: Aurorawings, Venomwings

Icewing/Sandwing hybrid

Sharp and dangerous. Nicknamed "Spiketails", they commonly possess both the Icewing tail-spikes and the Sandwing poisonous barb tail. They can possess alternating fire-ice breath with concentration, or have steam-breath. They are impervious to cold and light, and can survive a long time without water.

Other names: Spiketails, Spikewings

Icewing/Seawing hybrid

Brilliant and bright, these dragons often can look unique, but their abilities are unprecedented. If they possess gills, they can breathe underwater. They have great strength and endurance, and are able to see in the dark. They can withstand cold Artic waters and bright lights. Often, they possess Seawing's glowing scales; as for exhaling ice, they can do so or exhale a hard stream of water.

Icewing/Skywing hybrid

As large and broad as a snow-capped mountain, these hybrids tend to be the largest dragons in existence. They are powerful, skilled, and fierce. They can breathe alternating fire-ice with practice or have steam-breath.

Other names: Capwings

Icewing/Silkwing hybrid

Metallic and cold. These dragons tend to have the appearance of molten silvers and/or blues. Most of these hybrids do not undergo the traditional Silkwing Metamorphosis due to their Icewing blood, nor has there been a report of any hybrid possessing the ability to spin flamesilk. Those who possess Silkwing silk glands are able to spin a beautiful frosted silk that is commonly refered to as "snow lace" and used for decoration.

Other names: Silverwings

Icewing/Leafwing hybrid

Formidable. With their ability to withstand freezing temperatures and photosynthetic wings, they can absorb the bright Artic sun rapidly. This makes them a very energetic species with good stamina and quick metabolism. In an interesting twist of the Leafwings ability to speak to plants, some among the Pinewings have the ability to manipulate ice.

Icewing/Hivewing hybrid

Terrifying and strange. They have an uncanny sense of weather and time, and can have all or none of the Hivewing's poisonous abilities. This often takes the form of "toxic ice". These dragons often have a distinctive drip-like pattern of white, pale yellow, pale blue, or black scales on the underside of their wings, on their horns, on their underbelly, on the palms of their talons, or on their snout.

Other names: Poisonwings

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