Chapter One

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Dream Pov:

When I was a kid, I used to have a friend who I was in love with. We were the best of friends. She had short  black hair, blue Sapphire eyes, and slightly tanned skin.

She was kind, friendly and very trusting of others. Wouldn't hurt a fly.

We did everything together, but then her home caught fire and her parents died. I was told that she had died in the fire as well, but I don't believe that. Why? Because they never found a body.

Now, I know for sure that she survived. How? Because yesterday I ran into a man in a lab coat, a scientist. He had an folder on him, containing information about a creature that they have in containment, SCP-682 the hard to kill reptile.

At the very back of the folder was a sheet that contained information about the creatures origins. This creature, was Marceline. They had turned her into this creature. My childhood friend, my girlfriend, MY FUTURE WIFE!

They experimented on her, tortured her and apparently, have made hundreds of attempts to terminate her.

So, now I'm on my way to this foundation to get my girlfriend and burn it and everyone in it to the ground.

Standing a few yards away from the facility, I smirked behind my mask as the black eyes of the mask glowed red.

"Let's get to work."

SCP-682 Pov:

I sat in one of the corners of my room, throwing a tennis ball at the wall, catching it as it came bounding back around.

My room is bare, only having a bed and a bean bag to sit on. The only reason I have a tennis ball is because it was from SCP-053.

Hearing the voices of four scientist, I looked at the glass on the right side of the room out of the corner of my eye.

They spoke in a hushed tone, though I could still hear what was being said.

'Another termination attempt. How many of them do I have to kill before they give up? Eh, doesn't matter, at least it gives me some entertainment.' I thought to myself, before I heard the door to the room the four were in be kicked open. Turning my head, I saw a man in a green hoodie with a white mask, with a smile on it carrying a sword.

'Why would someone break into the facility?' I wondered, watching as they killed everyone in the room, before looking through the glass at me.

Raising a brow when the figure waved at me, but returned the gesture none the less. Once I did, he ran out of the room.

"None of the alarms are going off, so he must have taken out the security system." I said to myself, now done with the tennis ball as I waited to see what would come next.

Ten minutes later, I got my answer. The door to my room open to reveal a guard with a stab wound through his stomach. I watched as he dropped to reveal the masked figure.

"I don't know whether to call you brave or incredibly stupid for breaking into this place and coming into my cell." I said, standing up to my full height, easily towering over him.

He seemed to pout behind the mask.

"Ouch, we haven't seen each other in years and the first thing you do is call me stupid." He said, crossing his arms.

I raised a brow as I thought back to figure out who he might be, when it clicked.

"Dream?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You remember! Great, now let's get out of here." Said Dream before grabbing my hand and pulling my out of my cell.

"Why did you come here?" I asked as we ran down the halls, passing by dead bodies that littered the floor.

"My Monster" Yandere Dream smp X SCP OcWhere stories live. Discover now