Untitled Part 2

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Howl's POV - The Day It All Ended

I kissed Rebecca Strauss, my ex, with intense passion against my bedroom door. A part of me was guilty of cheating on Sophie. But she wasn't able to fulfill my physical needs. She won't be home for at least another 5 hours. And Markel is buying ingredients in market. It'll be fine.

"Mhmm, Howl! Give me more like you used to!"

"Well if that's what the lady wants then she shall receive." I walked over to the bed and pressed her onto the mattress. I then began undoing both our clothing. I caressed, sucked, and licked her huge breasts. Hearing her moan only encouraged me.

"Wait Howl." She said. I looked up at her and she took that second to flip us over. She positioned herself on top of my dick. "Are you ready?" 

I smirked. "Are you ready, is the question."

"Absolutely." Those were her last words before she dropped. "~Ahh!"

She kept slamming onto my dick over and over again. I groaned. I could tell we were both close. But I wouldn't let her get all the action. I flipped us over and started to pound into her. 

"~Howl! S-slow down! I-I, mhmm!!" Thank God she came before me. Her juices covered my dick. 

"You should clean up the mess you made." She happily obliged and began devouring my manhood. 

"Oh Rebecca." Sucking was the only response. "Keep going. I'm almost there."

20 minutes later....

And we were back to me pounding into her like a sex starved dog. I was on a mission. I was on a mission to impregnate this woman. All thoughts of Sophie were basically gone. This one mission was the only thing I could think of. "Veni, vedi, vici." And I released my load into her.

"Howl!" I was taken aback by that voice. I froze. All the heat in my body seemed to have disappeared in as soon as my name was called. I didn't want to look behind me. No. NO. Please. Why did it have to be like this?

"Howl! Wha-why-how-what's happening?!" I could tell Sophie was about to cry.

I finally found the courage to wheel around. "Sophie!?" At that moment, I regretted everything. My infidelity hit me like a hundred foot wave crashing down on me. I hastily ran toward her but she smashed the door against my face. 

"Fuck," I said as I took a moment to recover from the blow. "SOPHIE!" I yelled, desperate to talk to her. In a moment she would stop running and take a moment to hear what I had to say. But Sophie didn't turn around. She kept running, leaving me behind. "SOPHIE!! WAIT! SOPHIE! NO!!!" I cried. Please, if there is a God out there, please stop her from leaving. My call was not heard. And she left. All that was left of her were the tears she left on the ground. I collapsed. 

I heard Rebecca groan. "Howl! Who was she?"

This wasn't Rebecca's fault but I couldn't help but feel immense anger towards her. "Leave me."

"Now I don't think I'll be doing that." 

I snapped my head towards her. "What?"

She smiled wickedly. "I'm yours now Howl. Whether you like it or not. I'm carrying your child."

A pain, sharp as a spear, tore through my heart. "That was a mistake. Please just leave. I'll support the child." I stood up. She was short so I towered over her. 

Rebecca's smile faltered slightly. "Howl, I'm your responsibility now. Take care of me and our child."

Those words. "Our child". They weren't meant to be shared between Rebecca and I. My eyes shifted to a picture frame on the mantle of the fireplace. It was a picture of Sophie crying tears of joy. It was taken after I proposed to her. Next to it was a picture of a Sophie hugging Markel. Both were smiling. But with me, Sophie was crying. Once when we confirmed our relationship and lastly when we........ended it.

"Fine. You are allowed to stay here until the child is born. You can have custody over the child-"

Rebecca scoffed. "I don't want the child. I'm too young to settle with one person already."

"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I yelled at her. 

Rebecca was taken aback. "Calm down Howl. I don't want anything. I already have it."

The front door creaked open. It was Markel. "Master Howl! And uh, who's the lady?"

"Rebecca, put on something less revealing." I demanded.

"That I will do."

"Master Howl, why are you naked?"

"Well kid, Howl had an affair with that nasty woman. Things didn't turn out so well between Howl and Sophie." Calcifer explained.

I had completely forgotten Calcifer was watching everything that happened. "Calcifer!"

"HOWL!" Calcifer yelled.

"HOWL! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO SOPHIE?!" Markel screamed at me.

It seemed as though there was an invisible force, squeezing my chest tighter and tighter as an effort to crush my insides. "Markel, please calm down-"

Markel's facial muscles were twitching violently. I had never seen him so mad. He was always such a kind boy. "NO! WHERE'S SOPHIE!?" 

I tried again. "Markel-"

"WHERE'S SOPHIE!?!" Markel's eyes were starting to water. "IF YOU WON'T TELL ME WHERE SOPHIE IS, I'LL FIND HER MYSELF!" Markel then made his way to the door. 

I wouldn't let him leave. I couldn't. "MARKEL!" Unlike Sophie, he paused. "Markel, wait," I sighed. "I know my actions can not be excused but-" My throat was starting to get sore. My vision was blurry. "But I need you Markel! Handling Sophie is already enough so please-!"

Markel wheeled around to face me and started to stomp towards me while yelling, "'Handling Sophie is already enough'? Was Sophie a nuance to you? Was she a responsibility?? Well do you want to know what she was, IS, to me?! SHE'S MY MOM! AND YOU'RE TO BLAME FOR THE LOSS OF THE KINDEST, SMARTEST, AND MOST THOUGHTFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD!" Markel was bawling by now. "I don't know about you Howl, but I would much rather be companions with people who are kind and thoughtful and loyal, rather than people who are unfaithful and promiscuous!" Markel turned around again and left.

The house is silent. So silent. Too silent. A chill run downs my whole body. I stay standing in the same place. I stand for the whole day. Frozen. Empty. Regretful. And alone

A/N: Markel is older now. Say uh, 11-13 yrs?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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