Prologue: Awakening

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So many years had passed since the day the Aperture scientists were taken from this world, leaving only the test subjects and the main computer in the facility. Inside the main computer was an A.I. named GLaDOS keeping the facility alive. It had been years since she had been able to do anything to catch her interest. Testing was all she could manage. By herself it was boring and she was running out of ideas quick.

The A.I. had been bored out of her mind, making it harder to keep her sanity in line. GLaDOS needed to satisfy that itch before she would go on a rampage again. The only other noise in the facility was the sentry turrets who would speak every now and then. It wouldn't be so bad for GLaDOS if the noise wasn't repetitive. The rest of the noise were the mechanics of the facility, a generator to keep it powered enough for years.

This is a bunch of nonsense...Maybe I should have left at least some of those people alive. They could have done the work...but then I would get tired of them and kill them anyway...

She remembered back to the days when the scientists were alive but she wasn't quite ready to work. The memories of that woman infested her artificial mind, screams over and over of when her colleagues turned against her. Other memories painful with a man who cared about her and the other who tore her down.

What was her name...?  God dammit...I know I've seen her face somewhere...

The frustration built up once again and she was losing patience. Before she could completely lose it a fast beeping noise caught her attention. The A.I. observed one of the cameras in test subject one's chamber. She saw the young woman stir and turn over, looking around the enclosed space in confusion. The woman had tangled brunette hair pulled back into a ponytail, a white tank top shirt with the Aperture logo on the front, orange pants, and long fall boots. GLaDOS watches with interest, pulling up the file of the test subject on the screen. The woman's name read Chell, giving the description of her as seen on the camera and complete profile. Apparently this was a special test subject. A laugh emitted from the A.I. as she watches the woman stand up from the bed and onto her feet.

Well well well...looks like she finally woke up...About time too. I was just getting bored of this place but now I have reason to experiment.~

Meanwhile Chell, the woman in the chamber, walked around until she could hear a robotic voice over a speaker.

"Hello and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment center. We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one. Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the test proper. Before we start, however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of all enrichment center activities, serious injuries may occur."

GLaDOS rolled her eyes mentally at the introductory speech and looked over the other instructions to give to Chell. This was going to be a long and boring process.

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