The Train Ride

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Y/N started to become incredibly worried that they had missed the train to Hogwarts as there was no one on the muggle side of the train station.

"Stop worrying, we're not late," Angela said calmly and her parents nodded in reply.

But when they passed through the barrier, the only people that were on the platform were parents and their younger kids waving goodbye to their children on the train that was about to leave the train station.

Y/N started to go mental, holding on to her mothers hand, and pushing through the crowd to get to the train, her father and Angela right behind them.

Her mother, surprised by the sudden movement, said in a frazzled tone, "Are you going to take me onto the train, Y/N."

Not listening to her mother, and still in a panicked state, she bumped into a short figure that smelled like cinnamon bread.

She looked up and saw the smiling plump face of Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Weasley." Y/N said.

"Hello, love," Mrs. Weasley started, "Why, the train is about to leave, get on, get on!"

Mrs. Weasley pushed her and Angela onto the train without giving them a chance to say goodbye to their parents.

They went into the train and made a beeline to the nearest window and waved goodbye to their parents from there.

Their parents blew them kisses, smiling and waving.

The sisters gave each other knowing looks after seeing the look on Mr. Weasley's face after seeing their mother. Their mother was going to be bombarded with questions about her muggle life.

They parted ways with a hug, and Angela said in teasing tone and winked,"Go find your Boy who Lived."

Y/N pushed her sister playfully, and retorted, "Go find your Weasley twin, Fred."

Angela pushed her back and walked off, her long black locs swaying behind her, saying hi to her millions of friends as she tried to find a compartment, lugging her two suitcases behind her.

Y/N looked at her sister, admiring her confidence. Angela was one of the most popular girls at Hogwarts, not only in Ravenclaw. She got billions of letters at Hogwarts asking her go to Hogsmeade with them. She got amazing grades in her classes and was top in most of her classes.

Y/N was always told she was very pretty, but it didn't really matter much, since she didn't believe it.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a wispy, calming voice, "Hello, Y/N, how was your summer."

She turned around and saw the figure of Luna Lovegood.

"Hi, Luna, it was good, what about you?" She replied smiling.

"Oh, it was spectacular, my father and I went looking for creatures, and we found some Cornish Pixies, but they weren't very friendly," Luna said in her signature dreamy voice.

"Oh, that's cool." Y/N said but Luna had already drifted off.

She laughed to herself and moved down the corridor, trying to find the compartment her friends were in.

She heard chorus of laughter from the compartment on her left and opened it.

But to her dislike, a group of Slytherins, including the slim and greasy Malfoy, were sitting inside and looked at her.

"Guys, look it's the stupid Gryffindor," Malfoy said, "Actually, let me specify, since that defines all of you, Calderon"

His so called friends, that were more like servants to Malfoy, cackled and nodded their heads in approval,

Y/N rolled her eyes and retorted, "Shut up, Malfoy, we understand the only way you can insult someone is by bringing up their house, but it's getting quite annoying."

She quickly flipped them off and shut the compartment door, not wanting to hear their voices any more.

She walked down the corridor, trying to hear her friends voices.

After checking the whole corridor, she stopped at the only one left and put her ear onto the door.

"Don't go looking for trouble, Harry-"

She smiled as she heard the worried voice of her best friend.

"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me" She heard Harry say and she sighed as she realized Harry had probably gotten himself into another predicament they would have to get him out of.

She opened the door and said in a jokingly annoyed tone, "What happened this time, Voldemort wants to kidnap and mind-control him?"

They looked her way and yelled, "Y/N!" Their faces breaking out in smiles and they got up, Harry before the rest of them.

They bear-hugged her and after a while when they weren't letting go, she croaked out, "I literally can't breathe, guys."

As they broke the hug and sat down, Y/N noticed the exhausted looking man that was sitting and sleeping in the corner of the compartment.

She jutted her chin out towards him, and said in a quiet tone, "Who's that."

Hermione pointed to the luggage above his head, and said "Professor R.J. Lupin, he's probably going to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Y/N hummed and turned to look at Harry who was already looking at her.

"What is it, do I have something on my face?" She said anxiously.

Harry quickly said waving his hands, "No, no, it's not anything, it's just you've never really wore your hair like that,"

She self consciously touched her hair and said, "Is there something wrong with it?"

"Of course not, you're really pretty-" Harry stuttered, "Your hair, I mean."

Y/N smirked and put on her most offended voice, "Mr. Potter, I find that incredibly offensive if you're implying that I aren't pretty."

The green-eyed boy suddenly turned into a stuttering mess, trying to reword what he was trying to say.
"You and your hair are really pretty, that's it."

A silence fell over the compartment and then was interrupted by Ron's booming laughter that then caused everyone else to start laughing except for Harry who looked annoyed.

"I hate you all," Harry said.

This caused them to burst into more laughter and then Ron started to choke on his own laughter which caused Harry to join in on the laughing.

After Ron recovered from the sudden coughing fit and the three stopped their laughing, he said in an insulted tone, "I'm glad to know you three find my pain amusing, maybe I'll jump off a cliff so you guys can be happy."

Laughter filled the compartment again and they all felt that nothing could stop them in this room, that it was just them four.

And you know, their passed out professor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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