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The house loomed over me. The porch was almost folding in on its self. It looked like it would a house that would be in a horror movie. As I walked up the stairs the creaks echoed through the quiet neighborhood. My my hands shook as I rushed to find my house key in my pocket. I walk through the door and immediately the smell of alcohol burns my nose. I quietly rush up the stairs to my room I didn't want to see my dad. My room was my safe space the only place my dad couldn't go. My mom gave my a lock for my last birthday. She gave it to me two years ago. I hadn't seen her in years.
She hadn't even gave it to me in person.

She mailed it to me.
She fucking mailed it to me. Tears burned in my eyes. I hate her for leaving me with him. I parent him more then he parents me. His girlfriend is only 24. She's nice isn't around much but nice. I open my closet and grab a crewneck. Its my favorite one. It's a beautiful royal blue with a white lily. I grab a pair of grey sweatpants. I take off my uniform and slip my crewneck over my head. My sweatpants were so soft on my tired legs.
I chest fall into my bed.  I just lay there as if getting up would be the worst thing to ever happen. My hair falls at my sides the blonde locks look almost brown in the dark light. My curtains cover the outside light. I have one lamp in my room. Its one of the weird lamps with an orangish light. The batteries haven't been changed in maybe six months? Not quite sure I don't remember it very well. My phone starts ringing.

Grab my phone and answer the call. "Amya speaking how can I help you?" I say into the phone."Hey! It's Alia"she responds." Hey!  What's up!?" . I fly up in my bed to sit up."So I wanted to talk to you about something.." there was a silence. Oh god I hate awkward silences. "Yeah what happened? Are you okay?".
"Yeah I'm fine it's just.. I don't want you to talk to me again." She said quietly into the phone. " Oh.." I say into the phone." I'm sor-". I drop the phone to my bed. Tears sprung in my eyes. She was all I have. I fell into my pillow.
Why her? Why now? My phone rang again I look at the screen "Alia<3". I'd have to change her name soon. I never want to get up from my bed. My whole body feels like a weight. I roll off the bed onto the floor so I could force myself to get my father some water. We don't want him to have that bad of a hangover.

Meh who cares.

I grab my socks from the corner of my room by my door. And walk out my door. I carefully walk down the stairs I turn my head. He's laying up against the couch. Of course he's been drinking. There's several empty bottles beside him. Whatever. He'll be out for hours. I walk out the door being sure to close it quietly. I run over to the park, it's a great place to be on a rainy day.  Well not rainy gloomy is a better word. It's a small park only has a small play house and swings. I love the swings.  I sat down and start swinging back and forth with the wind.
Suddenly I realize there's someone else there. I turn around the make eye   contact but I can't see his eyes. He has that fluffy hair that goes over his eyes and as I look at them more. I realize he's not a boy she's a girl. Shit and she's pretty.
"Hey Uhm I didn't see you there". I say trying to start a conversation. Suddenly I realize I was crying. "Yeah no problem are you alright though you seem upset?".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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