Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey, honey," a woman said softly as James started waking up a few days later. "Shh," James slowly opened his eyes and saw Jane, a woman with dark hair, sitting beside him.

"Where am I?" James mumbled.

"You're safe," James felt Owen beside him and he saw Owen unconscious beside him.

"Owe?" James asked. Owen didn't wake up and James saw a cloth around Owen's back. "Owen, wake up," James gently nudged Owen and Jane laid him back.

"Just relax, honey, your brother is just sleeping," Jane said.

"Is he okay?" James asked, his voice growing concerned. "Is he dead?"

"Honey, your brother is just asleep, he's perfectly fine," James tried to sit up and Jane laid him down. "You need to lay down,"

"I'm fine, I need to see my guardians," James sat up and saw a cloth wrapped around his left knee. "Why is my knee wrapped?"

"Sweetheart, you really need to lay down. I'm about to get my husband,"

"I don't care, I'm seeing my parents," James tried to get up and Jane stopped him. Aiden, a man with black hair that was streaked with grey, walked into the room and laid James down. The room had two king size beds facing each other, one bed had James and Owen sleeping together and Daniel laid on the other, and a bathroom connected to the room. A large window was beside the beds with two dressers. James looked at Owen.

"You're the first one up," Aiden said softly. "Are you scared?" James nodded. "We're not going to hurt you, son. Can you tell us your name?"

"James," James said softly.

"Ok, James, do you want to go back to sleep?"


"Then you can just lay down and wait for your brother to wake up,"

"Where am I?"

"You're in the rich neighborhood in Brookville,"

"James?" Jane asked as she sat down on the bed. James looked at her as she felt his left foot. "I'm going to gently push your knee towards you and I want you to tell me when to stop,"


"We want to see how bad your knee is, it was bleeding pretty bad when we found you," Aiden said as he gently unwrapped the cloth around James' knee. Jane gently pushed James' knee back towards James and James yelled out in pain.

"Stop!" James said. He closed his eyes in pain and Jane laid his leg down on a pillow and walked out of the room. Aiden saw James look at Owen and Jane walked into the room a couple of minutes later with an ice pack on her hand. Jane gently put the ice pack in the cloth and wrapped the cloth around James' leg. James slowly laid down and Aiden adjusted James' blanket. Jane walked out of the room and James slowly fell asleep. Aiden walked over to Daniel's bed and Daniel started waking up.

"Easy," Aiden said softly. Daniel looked at him.

"My head," Daniel said as he closed his eyes.

"Your head was bleeding pretty bad when we found you. Do you remember your name?"

"Daniel," Aiden held up some fingers.

"Can you see how many fingers I'm holding?" Daniel opened his eyes and looked at the fingers.



"Who are you?"

"My name is Aiden, my wife and I saw the car crash and we found you and your boys,"

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