chapter 3 || the first prank

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The Gryffindor common room was very warm and welcoming. The walls of the large circular room were painted a warm reddish-brown with gold trims. There was a large red rug with gold fringes on the outside and a fireplace with a picture of Godric Gryffindor. Around the fireplace, there was two couches and 2 lounge chairs. They were both a dark red with some gold throw pillows with a dark brown coffee table in front. Farther away, there was a large table, not as large as the ones in the great hall but it had enough room for about 10 students on each side to study or play games.

"First year dorms are the first floor. Boys on the right and girls on the left. If a boy tries to go into the girls dormitories, well, you'll see," The female prefect, Molly Prewitt, said. Molly had frizzy red hair that went to her shoulders and a face with a warm smile. She had this welcoming and caring aura around her that made me know that she would be a great mom without actually knowing her.

"Let's go unpack and get settled in and meet back here, yeah?" I asked. The boys nodded their agreement and we walked up our respective stairs. When I got to the first floor of dorms, I saw a golden plaque above a brown door with names on it.

Holly Cobbern
Lily Evans
Alice Fortescue
Marlene McKinnon

I walked into the room and saw Lily and Dorcas already in the room. The room had 5 four poster beds with red sheets and blankets. I walked over the bed farthest away from the window and my stuff appeared on my bed. I began unpacking and placing my clothes in the brown dresser on the right side of my bed. After I was done, I took out the other things from my trunk and re-organized my trunk so I knew where everything was.

I put my trunk at the foot of my bed on the floor and jumped onto my bed to test it out.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Lily, you need to try out these beds. They are amazing. I don't think I'm going to get up. Tell the boys that I wont be down because I'm having some quality time with my bed," I said. Lily laughed and shook her head.

"If you think I'm talking to your boy friends with egos the size of Jupiter, your sorely mistaken," She said with a laugh.

I groaned and flipped onto my stomach and shoved my face into the red fluffy pillow. Then Lily came over from her bed, which was one bed away from mine, mine being the farthest away, and pushed me off my bed.

"I, am not going down there by myself where I know for a fact your egotistical friends are waiting for you. I'd rather not have to talk to them. Although, Remus doesn't seem so bad," She said. I know that she doesn't have anything against me being friends with them because she had said so earlier.

I groaned again, this time out of pain, and got up off the floor where I hand landed on my side. I walked across the floor to where the door was and walked out, stomping down the stairs until I slipped and fell down the rest of the stairs.

I laid there at the bottom with my legs out in front of me and my back against the last stair. I looked around, hoping that nobody saw. Of course, luck is not on my side today and I saw James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter staring at me with their mouths slightly open and amusement in their eyes.

"Don't-" I started. Sirius cut me off with a bark like laugh which caused everyone else but Peter to start laughing. Peter ran up to me.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" He asked, his voice higher pitched. I nodded my head.

"I'm fine right now. Tomorrow will be a pain in my sore ass though," I said with a small laugh. "Thank you though. It's nice to know that SOMEONE cares about my well being," I exagerated someone to get the others attention but they just kept laughing.

I stood up and walked over to James and Sirius before whacking them on the heads.

"Ow! What was that for?" They said at the same time.

"That was for laughing at me when I fell down the stairs!" I said loudly.

"Why didn't you hit Remus, he was laughing too!" James grumbled rubbing his head.

"Remus actually looked like he cared that I fell down the stairs," I said. They both slightly glared at me and looked to the ground before they mumbled "sorry."

Then we left the common room to go explore the castle before lessons actually started. We wandered the long hallways that seemed endless and had out laughter echoing around.

"You guys know what we should do?" I asked, and idea coming to my head.

"Wait, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sirius asked, smirking at me and James. James started smirking too and I'm pretty sure I had the most mischievous look on my face.

"Wha- No. Absolutely not. I will not get detention before school even starts," Remus started. Peter looked so lost and I kind of felt bad for him.

"But Remus! It will be so much fun, and we can make an awesome first impression on the school and students. You know, give the students something to look forward to?" I said, pleadingly.

"Ugh fine. But just this once," He said. He didn't get the chance to finish because Sirius, James, and I ran up and gave him a hug. Poor Peter still looked lost and confused so I said.

"Let's pull the greatest prank anyone has ever seen,"

While we were walking through the halls, brainstorming prank ideas, we met Peeves the poltergeist. We agreed and negociated with him and he agreed to help us with our prank.

Dinner rolled around and we were patiently waiting for our prank to come into play.

"When will it happen?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"It should happen any second," Remus said. As if on cue, a loud bang went off and scared almost everyone in the Great Hall. When we looked at the teachers table, we saw all the professors sitting at the table with some very colorful hair. Dumbledor had a hot pink beard and hair that looked like a pink highlighter, McGonagall had purple hair, and Slughorn had bright blue hair just to name a few of them.

The boys and I all looked at each other and I noticed something. I noticed that we all had the same mischievous glint in our eyes as we realized that these next few years would be very chaotic for everyone.

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