dabi x hawks

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Pffft ha! I can't stop having stupid ideas fungus sea darts!!

OK so I wan reading a dabi pov book while looking through Disney for movies to watch at 10 pm

Guess what my mind decided to suddenly pop in my head after looking at beauty & the beast?? Hints? Dabis the beast?


Not like putting the characters in the story like words no no no!! That be just ugly

No I mean have you read stories or watched stuff that has the meaning of the Disney movies but takes place in there world, in reality, or recent times?

So like you guys know how hawks double teams with the league and commission?

He having interest with this weird, quiet, mentally unstable, secretly caring Scard from chin to toe beast with blue eyes?

And the whole story that he takes a mouth off the commission or finds ways out of the commissions grasp to figure dabi out? And while doing so gets to learn bits about him? Until dabi gives in and hawks becomes a stability in his life?

But then later after awhile of there secret relationship and getting to know, and take care of each other

Somehow the commission finds out from a secret info broker and over works hawks away from dabi and works ways to make dabi's public look worse to the point that he'll be hunted down?

Just a thought ~~

Oh! Ooh another work out malificent~
Interested in how this'll work out ask and I'll tell~

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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