A New Assignment

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"You shall descend to earth and take care of the grieving people in Paris. There have been wicked executions and horrible deaths. Help them, Cassiel, that is your purpose.", the archangel Michael, your older brother, told you and you nodded.

You are the angel Cassiel - the archangel of solitude and tears. You are the youngest of the seven archangels and take orders from them. Your job is to take the humans' pain and sorrow and endure them yourself. You sing a lot - either sad or happy songs.

Your new assignment was to go down to Paris and take care of the victims of the French Revolution. You sighed and packed your little harp. Making your way through the gates you wave Peter goodbye which he politely bowed to. It didn't take you long to find the place Michael sent you to.

You quickly covered your ears and flinched a little as you approached the humans screaming in pain. "I don't know why father won't listen to me and stop this tyranny. These people are clearly in pain and need our help.", you said to yourself in your head as you saw a huge crowd gathered around a guillotine and watching the blade descending. You flinched at the impact and averted your gaze.

"Noooooooo!! My son meant no harm! He never stole from you! He never hurt anyone! Why kill him?!", a woman in the crowd screamed as she was held back by two men. Your eyes began to water as you realized how many people had already been executed and how many more they were going to kill. You readied your harp and gripped it tightly. "Oh, god almighty, please give me strength to rid these humans of their sorrows. Their sorrow shall be mine and never return to their souls. Please, father, let me endure their pain and drink every last tear they drop.", you recited.

Slowly the time around you stopped and you felt waves of intense feelings charge at you. You consumed them without hesitation. After about an hour of filling yourself with the sorrow of the humans you slowly descended to the ground and sat down next to a small chapel which was in the middle of a huge graveyard. You began to sob uncontrollably and slid the harp's strap onto your back.

Mostly you chose to sob with those terrible feelings inside of you rather than turn completely emotionless for days. You wanted to face those feelings the humans were having head on and let them filter through you. Whenever your siblings and subordinates asked you if you were fine after an assignment, you always answered: "Of course. It is my job to take care of the humans' sorrows. There is nothing to worry about." But deep down - very deep down - you hated it. You hated the feelings the humans had to go through. Sometimes you asked yourself how your father could allow such feelings to exist on his wonderful earth. How could he let so many bad things happen?

Just as you were about to pack your things and go back home, you heard a crack from the side. You quickly turned your head in that direction and immediately smelt an odor. "A demon? In this place? Why?", you asked yourself in your head as you held your nose shut. "So, it is true... They did send you, archangel Cassiel.", a voice said and you thought you had encountered this demon before.

"Sh-show yourself, demon!", you demanded with a stutter. The demon came closer and you could see his whole body. "Beelzebub? Demon of gluttony?", you asked the demon in full surprise. "That's me. In the flesh.", Beelzebub said and came closer to you. But for some reason you didn't feel the need to step back as he got a little closer.

His eyes were softer than you had ever seen with a demon. "You do your ritual thing yet?", he asked you. You nodded slightly and looked to the side trying to avoid eye contact with him. "You know... I don't really get why your own father makes you do this... You have to take care of the sorrow of the humans? Are you serious? He should be the one inhaling the bad feelings his precious humans are causing for themselves.", Beelzebub told you with a frown, "I can see what it's doing to you. You know, I came here to feed off of the rich humans' gluttony to be satisfied for a few more centuries and what do I find? A crying angel."

You exhaled deeply and spoke up rather quietly: "It's my job. And don't criticize the almighty. Haven't your siblings ever told you what happens when you badmouth him?" You looked up at the demon standing in front of you. "I'm not badmouthing your big guy... I just don't understand why such a beautiful face has been fated to be drowned in tears for eternity.", Beelzebub answered and carefully stroked your cheek. You jerked as you felt his ice-cold hands touch your rosy cheek.

You quickly stepped back and wiped your tears away. "I-I have to go. You should also get back to hell before you get into trouble. They might smell me on you...", you said and turned around. "Please, wait.", Beelzebub pleaded and grabbed your arm surprisingly carefully. You turned your head to him and saw worry clouding over his face. "I don't care if they smell me on you... Don't take this the wrong way but I've been watching you for almost 3 centuries now... And I'm sick and tired of seeing your sad face. At least you stopped using the method that made you emotionless for days.", Beelzebub explained and let go of you after turning your body towards him.

You stared at him. "You were stalking me?", you asked, a little frightened. Beelzebub exhaled deeply and answered: "Not really. I wasn't really stalking you... More like monitoring you." "That's the same thing!", you exclaimed. "Wha-, no it's not! Stalking means to be obsessed with someone. Monitoring is gathering information on their behavior.", Beelzebub explained to you and you frowned. "Gathering information on someone without their consent is also criminal!", you hissed at him and gave him a glare.

Beelzebub sighed and gave in. "Fine, okay, I was watching you without telling you... But still...", he began and carefully twirled one of your hair strands between his fingers. At first you wanted to flinch at his actions but then you felt his gentle touch and you relaxed a little. "This 'job' of yours is hurting you deeply and if you don't stop it soon, you'll be destroyed by your own actions...", Beelzebub told you in a soft tone. You tilted your head and asked: "What do you mean by that? Angels can't die by their own actions. Taking your own life is a sin. The almighty won't approve of it." "Exactly! Shouldn't your so-called father try to keep you from destroying yourself? Shouldn't he be taking care of you? Balancing your negative experiences with positive ones?", Beelzebub's voice boomed throughout the whole graveyard.

"But... I'm the angel of tears. It's my job to consume the humans' sorrows. If you don't like it, demon, go and file a complaint to my older brother, the archangel Michael. I think he'll be pleased with hearing your opinion. The work you demons do is dirty. You feed off of the poor humans' pain and live a few decades longer. You stir up humanity for your own benefit and steal their happiness when they need it most. So don't tell me my assignments are damaging myself. I'd rather be hurt than see the humans suffer so much.", you told him with a serious face and turned your heel. Before the demon could answer you, you had taken off at high speed making your way back to your home - heaven.

Beelzebub's POV:

"Why doesn't she understand that I don't want her to fall down a pit?!", I yelled out and kicked a tree hard, "She's an angel for crying out loud! She shouldn't be miserable her whole life!" After I had kicked the same tree a few times, I just stood there breathing heavily. I could still smell her heavenly scent and tried to inhale every last bit I could. "She's so unbelievably beautiful... Why does her face have to be covered in tears the whole time?", I asked myself in my head as I headed back towards hell.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed. "Why did I have to start having feelings for an angel? And the youngest archangel at that?", I asked myself quietly and entered hell with my head hung low.


Okay, so this is the end of the first chapter. (1460 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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A highly forbidden love | angel Cassiel reader x demon BeelzebubWhere stories live. Discover now