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OK hey guys i know it might be a bit confusing so im gonna break it down. \]


Before i keft the office i turned and took in his appearence. He wore dark blue jeans and a tight V-neck black shirt with black shoes with a white strio on the bottom. so in ther words............HOT!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After school i decide to head to Emma's house. emma's house was a big white one. it had . yeah i know you guys are probably thinking why are all the guys here well because their all werewolf's and im a werewolf too. I know,I know i should've said that we were werewolf's but its not something i tell people as soon as i meet them. 

"Aria?" i hear someone yell

"yeah!?'' i yell back come

"come here"


i walked down the hall looking at the pictures on the wall. they were all of the pack member's and family member's

"ummm....whats going on,Emma?" i ask. i was definately confused to why the whole pack was here and a whole new pack was here too.

"were combining packs" said emma's father the alpha. before emma could answer

"WHAT!!!! why we have my pack!" i said. yes i own a pack nobody knew except for Emma because i told her. The only reson no one knew was because it was an accident of me haveing a pack plus no one in my pack wanted to go to school so i didnt really care, Sam one of my pack member's dad help's with all the pack business like teaching them how to fight, smell, learn, and anything the pack needs. Were called the Moonlight Pack. People have been trying to figure out who the leader was never relizing it was me. im grateful for that.. As soon as i said "MY PACK" everyone gasped.

"Its not enough" said Emma quietly

"ok whatever. I'll just tell the pack no." i said quietly. my pack doesnt need to fight a bunch of vampires! we are on good terms with them! I made sure of that!


"My pack's out of this." i stated. im not willing to let my pack get hurt!

"EXCUSE ME!?!?!?! YOU CANT BACK OUT OF THIS!?!?!" the alpha AKA emma's dad screamed at me. does he really think his alpha tone can work on me? haha! pathetic!

"You do know that your alpha tone doesnt work on me, right?" i asked smirking.

"ugh!! why wont you get over the fact that your pack isnt as important as you think?" he asked trying to get a reaction. well i have some tricks up my sleeve as well.

" your one to talk. you dont even know what pack im in!" i said, i knew he was going to ask.

"i dont care anymore. I will just ask the Moonlight Pack to join us" he said proud to know or to think he know's the alpha of that pack.

"did you not just hear me? i wont join you! my pack is on good terms with the vampires! i wont ruin that!" i said. god im gonna have to cut off all connection's to this effing pack. They give me a headache.

"i said the MOONLIGHT PACK! not your pack!" he said annoyed.

"what pack do you think im incharge of?" i asked smirking to relization cross his face.

"your the aplha of the Moonlight Pack?" he asked. wow! he's slow!

"yup!!" i said smiled and walked  out leaving everyone shocked.


ok i basically typed this whole chapter over again!!!! i hope you like it because i really dot want it to be for nothing!! so please comment/vote/share/ect.ect.



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