CH1-A tight squeeze

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Girl version


We thing we see a blue thing on the wall saying welcome. It was werid. I feel welcome ( P/N) say confused as I chuckle at him.  We both realize  we were holding hands so we blush quickly let go our hands.

why did I blush I do not like him like that do i. I though as my face turn bright red as I hide my face in my hands.

Hey, I heard (P/N) calling me. Look what I found he say. 

I uncover my hands from my face, I saw him holding a green tape next tv with green box on a desk. I walk over to him as He put the tape in green box and video start playing.

Hi my name is lady Pierre and I'm the head of innovation here at the playtime code toy factory okay if you're seeing this then you're trespassing. Oh we play this little tape on Luke whenever we close the factory for the day okay so you've got my warning. It's not too to turn around, I just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it.

When video end we both stand there in shock. Trespassing seriously we both though as we sign.

So what now (P/N) ask but before  I can say anything we heard noise coming from another room.we both enter the room and saw train moving.

How is train still moving, this place been abandoned years unless this is code. I smiled grab (P/N) shoulder and we enter code and suprisely it worked. We both grin at each other and enter the room. I grab blue tape and I put it in the box.

It explaining everything what to do. But only had one grabpack.

You can have (P/N) say giving you grabpack. I smile grab it and put on my back. Thanks I smile at him. He blush he look away as I giggle at him. no problem he say giving me small smile. We start at each other in slice after enjoy our slince.  He broke the slicence.

Let go he say as we enticed the room. We both noticed metal gates behind blue print. I press blue hand on it and large door begin open up.

We both enter inside we saw blue Tall thing. Jesus Christ we both say as look each and chuckled and high five.

We closer and read info about him. His name huggy wuggy more like buggy wuggy. (P/N)  say laughing at his joke as I sign at his joke.

Hahaha very funny (P/N) I say 'sarcastically'. I start at huggy wuggy a bit as decide hand face his face. 

Look! Press that blue print (P/N) say posting to the blue print. I press it but power cited out. 

Seriously (P/N) shout in frustration. I sign as I place my hand on his shoulder calm him but before I can say something. We heard keys jinxing we turn around and see huggy wuggy keys.

! What! the fuck did he had that key the whole time! (P/N) yells as I stand there confuse and scard. I.. Must... Imagine s things... I mutter shaking head and grab the keys from it. 

We both went power open. I walk (P/N) look glared and yell at buggy wuggy. DON'T DARE FUCKING MOVE GOT THAT. I sign we enter the room. 


Who were they, they were so beautiful, what is this feeling my chest. It is what humans call love if so. I just hug them forever and ever but That stupid pest is in the way do not worry darling I get that pest for our love just you wait~❤.


we walk to see poster we over to it as it read.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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