Wenja Village

586 19 6

Third person view

As the sun rose over Oros, it also rose over the group of people sleeping near the west beach. Even though the night had been a scary one for the Amazons and they were near a man they didn't even know, sleep finally overcame fear and they managed to catch a few hours.

Donna was the first to rise as she had been uncomfortable sleeping on her stomach but due to her wounds, she had no choice.

She looked around and seen the boy was already awake and was sitting beside the fire, poking at it with a stick. Donna got up and stretched as best she could without opening up any of her wounds before walking over to the boy.

"Um hi" she said crouching down as he looked over at her.

"I know you probably can't understand what I'm saying, but thank you for saving my life" she said smiling.

Even though the boy couldn't understand her, he knew the tone of her voice was calm and non-threatening. And since she was the one who he fixed up, he figured she was probably thanking him.

He placed a hand on her leg, since the shoulder that the wound began on was the closest one to him, and smiled back at her.

Hippolyta groaned slightly as she stirred from her sleep. Looking around, she locked onto the sight of Donna and the boy and how close they were. Looking to her left she seen her sister was already awake and was also watching them.

Antiope looked over and smiled a mischievous smile at her sister. Hippolyta just frowned before making a lot of noise rising up onto two legs but she also faced with her back towards the two.

Donna immediately jumped away from the boy who was confused by her actions. She stood next to the log they were sitting on as her mother and aunt came up to them while Aresia trailed behind them.

"So what do we do now" The prisoner asked. The boy then began speaking and pointing to the west with his spear.

"We can't understand you!" Aresia yelled frowning. The boy looked at her before he turned and began walking away. Back towards where he had come from.

"So what do we do, mother?" Donna asked, slightly sad that the boy was leaving. Hippolyta sighed.

"We look for a way to contact Diana or get off the island" she said before sparing a glance at the dead tiger.

"In the direction he's going" she added as they all agreed, except for Aresia, before grabbing their clubs and running after him to stick together.

After walking for what seemed to be hours, the group of people currently found themselves in a thick jungle.

Suddenly the boy stopped and crouched down, holding his spear at the ready. The Amazons all hunkered down prepared to fight as well.

Slowly he crept forwards low to the ground before parting the bushes in front of him. Donna slowly crept forwards as well and seen what had drawn his attention.

Sitting on it's back legs in the middle of a clearing was a large feline with fur as white as snow. It was about the same size as the Tigers before but had a more leaner shape to it.

Laying on it's side in front of the animal was a baby deer, barely even a few weeks old yet still the size of a large dog. Donna covered her mouth in disgust and sadness while the boy didn't even blink at the young animal's death.

"Doesn't this make you sad?" she questioned him in a low tone as he simply turned to her and looked at her with a blank expression.

"He's a man, lady Donna. They're all the same" Aresia said as Donna slightly lowered her head. Was she right? Were men really so heartless?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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