Heated bodies

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Laughter filling the lair as the boys returned ,covered in kraang blood or ink,and carrying pizza boxes in with them,No surprise their night was far from just a simple patrol . Kiara looked up and back behind her once they walked in,pausing the show she was watching as got up, " do I even want to know what happened for you all to end up like this ?" She asked ,placing a hand in her hips as she raised a brow .

" Same ol same ol,Kraang picked a fight they can't handle and got their butts kicked " Leo explained In confidence, kissing her cheek as he walked past her to head to their pool. " And you couldn't have it done without getting so...bloody ?" She asked as the others joined in with Leo ,Mikey tossing them all a piece of pizza as he jumps in the lingering floating and floated away happily with his own box of pizza. " what else do you expect Kiara ,It's us ,should be more surprised if we came without something fucking us up " Kai said as he came up to Kiara,wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her against him just to piss her off.

" And do you expect me to really let you do this when you smell like alien garbage ?" She asked with a small smirk before shoving Kai in the pool with the rest of them,wiping the blood off her face and rolling her eyes as she heard him laugh once he reached the surface once again." hey! I think I smell just fine ~" he said in a small sang song with a grin,she couldn't be mad,seeing him so peaceful and more welcoming made it hard to be mad at him,sighing and smiling,he really was like that kid she remembered growing up with.


Once finished and not smelling like alien insides,everyone went their separate ways to do what they'd normally do,some getting ready for bed,others not so much but who's to say. Drying his hair off as he walked to his room,keeping the towel on his head as he pushed open the door to enter then close it behind it . " Rain I'm ba.." he trailed off,seeing that rain was actually sleeping ,albeit ,very badly ,with one leg sticking out over the edge of the bed,his phone loosely in his hand as it played music and snoring pretty loudly,Kai almost bursted out laughing then and there,he did snort how ever and rolled his eyes,leaving him for now so he could get himself ready with being completely dry and a dry pair of basketball shorts.

Stretching his arms above his head as he walked over to the bed,laughing as he noticed Rain had twisted and turned in the bed ,still in his back but more of the blanket is off his body than it already was .rolling his eyes once more as he reached to move the blankets off of him so he could cover him properly,only to stop,staring at the sight below him. It was not a secret to anyone that Rain sleeps in Kai's shirt,everyone knew that and it was no secret that he was Trans,Even Mikey knew but Kai never really took in Rains body ,he's seen him naked but ever really SEEN him naked,giving himself that pardon for his reaction to his sleeping bed mate.

It was innocent enough,his partner wearing his shirt to sleep but it was what was lacking that doing it,his shirt was rolled up on his chest and rain had apparently decided to go commando underneath ,leaving very little to the imagination for Kai's steadily wondering eyes . He could feel a lump form in his throat as he looked over rains sleeping form,the curves he still had that he had hidden by the lightly bigger shirts from his stomach to his hips ,trailing down more until coming to his thighs ,there was some subtlety from rain having his legs pressed together in some form of self censorship but that did little on calming Kai's beating heart down.

He swallowed the lump in his throat,gripping the sheet tightly as another heated rush ran down his body and sparked inside his shorts,biting the inside of his cheek as he couldn't help but get a little curious,reaching down a little hesitantly to place his finger on rains chest,lightly caressing a line to his stomach . He felt rains skin jump under his fingers and a blush lightly tinting his cheeks ,a faint moan slipping past his lips as he turned his head more into the pillow . Kai pulled his hand away quickly and covered his mouth ,not realizing that he was biting his hand as he could only mutter against it, " that..that is dangerous.." this feeling was new,beyond what he felt normally when he looked at rain,why ? He could only point to the kiss earlier,it's been on his mind all night and he was looking forward to having another,perhaps he was too eager for his own control..no that couldn't be.

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