The arrival of the lodges

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No ones pov
It all began with a normal day at the town of Riverdale, the 4th of July, where everyone was either at pops or having the last few parties before school starts. But for the blossom twins Cheryl and Jason a different story, on the 4th of July Cheryl blossom was found by Dilten Doiley and his scouts on the edge of Sweetwater river . She claimed that her and her brother Jason went out for their annual boat ride across the river when she dropped her glove and Jason reached in to grab it and tipped the boat. Cheryl said that she swam to the shore but her brother couldn't.

All through out the summer everyone would talk about the tragic accident, but people would go back to their normal lives just before school started.

In the cooper house hold, Y/n and Betty were getting ready for their day out with Archie, and their mother Alice was making breakfast. "betty, y/n breakfast" "coming mom" They both made their way downstairs and  ate breakfast. 

"so anything new going on at school" "well me and betty are giving the new girl her tour tomorrow!" "that's good, but remember stay away from that blossom girl her brother Jason hurt Polly we don't want the same happening to either of you" " we will mom but me an y/n are meeting Archie at pop's for some burgers to talk about school." "Well I suppose if your back by 7 its fine, oh y/n come by the register after school today your dads refilling your prescription so he'll have it there and who knows maybe you'll get inspired and start writing there" "ok mom bye" 

Y/n's pov

A/N: you call Archie, arch and betty calls him Archie 

Me and Betty left and started walking to pop's and when we got to the corner Archie was there waiting. " hey betty, y/n" "hi arch" " hi Archie how are you" "good I've been writing some songs maybe you guys could listen to them soon and give me some feedback" "Yeah maybe"  we made our way to pop's and when we got there we got some burgers and shakes.

Archie:Hey Betty
Betty:Hey Archie. How are you
Archie:I'm good and I've been working on some songs so maybe you could listen to them.
Betty:that sounds good show them to me when we get to pop's.
We got to pop's and started to order I got a burger and fries with a chocolate shake and Betty and Archie shared the same except with a strawberry shake. As we were eating a girl with silky black hair and dark brown eyes came up too us.
???:hi I'm Veronica and you are?
Archie:I'm Archie and this is Betty.
Veronica:nice too meet you. And aren't you-
Betty: supposed to give you your tour tomorrow yes I am. Would you like to join us?
Veronica: I wish I could but me and my mom are still u packing and I just came in here for some food to go.
Archie: well I guess we'll see you tomorrow.
Veronica: bye.
Whilst Betty was fangirling over Archie's songs they didn't notice me slip out of pop's and head to my part-time job at the Pembroke.

Time skip

When I got to the Pembroke Smithers asked me to help the family in the penthouse with moving in and when I got there I was surprised.
You: Hermione?
Hermione: Y/n it's so good to see you. How have you been.
You: I've been good. If I had known it was you moving in I would've gotten here earlier.
Hermione: well I wanted to surprise you and I wanted you to meet someone.
You: who?
Hermione: my daughter.
Veronica: mom where are my pearls.
Hermione: Ronnie we have a guest. His names Y/n
Veronica: oh yeah you with Betty and Archie at pop's right.
You: yeah I was
Hermione: oh so you to have met.
Veronica: not really he didn't speak, he was to busy stuffing his face.
After that comment my eyes started tearing up and Hermione noticed
Hermione: Veronica! Why would you say that.
Veronica: it's true mom. Anyway I'm going to my room.
Hermione: I'm so sorry Y/n I thought she would've been nicer.
You: no it's ok, I have been stress eating a lot.
Hermione well after we are finished unpacking let's say we catch up.
You:that would be great Hermione.
After about an hour we were finished packing and started to chat.
Hermione: so how have things been going?
You: it's good, I've been studying so I could get into the advanced classes and my music lessons are going great aswell. Anyway how are you and where's Hiram?
Hermione: after a few bad investments and Hiram was sentenced to 10 years in prison for fraud.
You: oh my god I'm so sorry.
Hermione: it's fine it's just gonna be an adjustment.
You: well if there's ever anything I can do to help remember you can always count on me. But I better be going school starts tomorrow.
Hermione:well it was nice seeing you again Y/n see you later.
You:bye. After I left the lodges new apartment I walked home and when I walked in I was greeted with two worried parents.
Alice: Oh my god Y/n there you are we were so worried.
Hal: where were you ?
You: at the pembrooke
Alice : you could've called you could of been killed.
You: jeez mom it's not like theirs a murderer around.
Hal: don't talk back to your mother and go to your room school starts tomorrow.
I walked up the stairs to mine and Betty's shared room and started to prepare for tomorrow. After I had taken a shower brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and got into bed I got a message from none other then Cheryl blossom my best friend.
Cheryl: hey cherry you excited for tomorrow.
You: very and hopefully I'm in your classes this year.
Cheryl: you will be don't worry and if anyone makes any mean comments tomorrow then I'll deal with them okay cherry.
You:thanks Cheryl luv u night
Cheryl: luv u 2 bestie night.
After I put my phone down Betty walked in and got into her bed and fell asleep and later on I did the same dreading the day to come.

When I woke up betty was still asleep so I got dressed in some jeans a t-shirt and hoodie and went down stairs to make cereal. After I finished I grabbed my bag and started to walk to thornhill to meet Cheryl. When I got there mr blossom was walking out in dress wear most likely going to a meeting for his maple business.
Y/n: hello mr blossom
Clifford: ah hello Y/n it's nice to see you but I've got to run I'm gonna be late, see you
He walked off so I headed inside thornhill to see Cheryl walking down the stairs in her iconic red clothing.
Cheryl: hey cherry we need to get to school early so you can help me set up for my cheer squad auditions.
You: ok but do I get to judge with you.
Cheryl: of course but we need to go now.
Me and Cheryl walked to school and got our time tables and set up for the auditions later that day. Just before first period started  I had to give Veronica her tour with Betty. So I headed to the front desk and waited for them and at the same time they walked in the door.
Veronica: ugh not you again.
Betty: what's wrong with my brother.
Veronica: what. He's your brother. But you look so different. And the problem is yesterday when I met you he was stuffing his face and didn't even pay attention.
Betty: well maybe he wasn't listening because you never talked to him.
After 5 minutes of non stop bickering I walked to my first class and sat next to Cheryl.
When  veronica and Betty walked in it looked like they were besties.

Time skip

At lunch Cheryl wanted to invite Veronica to the cheer tryouts so we walked up to her and she was sat with Archie, Betty and Kevin.
Cheryl: hi I'm Cheryl aka. Cheryl bombshell and I wanted to invite you to the cheer tryouts that are after school you in.
Veronica: sure but can Betty come. Cheryl looked at me and I nodded my head saying 'let her go'.
Cheryl: fine.
Me and Cheryl walked away and started to gossip.
Cheryl: so cherry why do you hate Veronica so much
You: what do you mean Cheryl
Cheryl: don't try hide it from me I could tell you didn't like her when we walked over there.
You: fine she's just mean she's made comments about me when I'm eating.
Cheryl: what! I'm going to kill her
You: no Cheryl you won't
Cheryl: fine but can I at least get some revenge I have the perfect plan
You: fine
Cheryl told me her plan and I think that it's gonna be so funny, I told her that Betty likes Archie and she thinks that if we get Veronica and Archie in a game of seven minutes in heaven and get them to kiss then Betty will hate her and hope she'll be sad about losing her fist friend.
Tomorrow is going to be amazing

The riverdale saint (male reader x ???)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن