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Hello. I am Oliver. I am 7 years old. I live with my mother, father, sister, and aunt. We live in a city called Ristopal. Ristopal is closed off from the rest of the world. Ristopal is a beautiful city. Even though everything is grey. Even the people. Our skin, hair, and eyes are all different shades of grey. The only thing that has color are our clothes. Our clothes are red. The girls wear red skirts, long white socks, dark grey church-like shoes, with a white button up shirt, a dark grey bow tie, and a red blazer. The boys wear red pants, ankle socks, dark grey church-like shoes, with a white button up shirt, a grey tie, and a red blazer. It looks nice. We can't wear anything else. Girls have to wear skirts and boys have to wear pants. If we cross dress we get taken to The Web. The Web is where all the deviants go. Deviants are bad. Deviants don't follow the rules. The rules are different for everyone. The kids have to:

• wake up at 8am
• make our beds
• brush our teeth
• take a shower
• put our clothes on
• go downstairs and greet everyone in the house
• eat breakfast
• grab our school bags
• leave the house at 9am and start walking to school

We have to walk in a straight line. With the youngest in the front and the oldest in the back. The older kids live farther from the school. The little kids live closer to the school. When the kids get older we move down a houses to make space for the new kids brought in Ristopal. Ristopal is a beautiful city. Ristopal is also kind of scary. On my way to school today I saw a man in the bushes. I wasn't the only one who saw him. A girl saw him too. She was really bothered by him. She got out of the line to school and wanted to walk over to him. Before she could get to him the Slenders ran after her and tackled her to the ground. She was only 5. No younger than I. And she got pushed to the ground. The Slenders dragged her away. The girl was screaming. "I'm sorry! Don't take me away! I don't want to go! I'm not a deviant! I'm a good girl! I'm a good girl! I'm good! I'm good!" is all we heard echoing as she got further away from us. Everyone stopped to watch her being taken away by the Slenders. The Slenders are scary. The Slenders are tall with long arms and legs. We never see their faces. The Slenders wear masks. We aren't supposed to look at the Slenders for too long or else we'll be taken away. After we couldn't hear the girl anymore the bell went off. The bell lets us know to continue on with what we were doing. If we didn't listen to the bell we'd get taken away to The Web. When we heard the bell ring everyone started walking at the same time. We have to do everything simultaneously. Ristopal is a beautiful city. Ristopal doesn't have any activities. There are playgrounds but the kids can't play on them. The only thing fun is to sit down and watch tv with family. There's only one channel. Everyone watches it at the same time. We can only watch tv from 5-7pm. The father has to turn off the tv at 7pm. If the tv isn't turned off at 7pm the father gets taken away for the night and comes back in the morning. It happened to my father. Twice. When he came back he was quiet. He wasn't allowed to speak. Everyone speaks when they are told to. Teachers talk the most. Teachers have a mask so we can't see their face. We have to listen to the teachers. If someone misbehaves in class the teacher screams. When they scream the Slenders come and take the deviant child away to The Web. Being taken away to The Web is bad. No one comes back from The Web. No one's allowed to talk about The Web. If we do the Slenders will take us away. The Slenders are scary. The Slenders don't speak. The Slenders move quickly. No one ever sees when the Slenders come. The Slenders just appear. A woman said she heard a Slender speak once. She got taken to The Web. No one knows where The Web is in Ristopal. Ristopal is a beautiful city. Ristopal is my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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