Alone and Broken

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Last night I felt so alone, so broken, like I don't belong in the home I'm in now. I don't consider it home..., it's more like a hell hole than anything. My home is somewhere else than here. I felt so alone..., I decided around 6:00 after i got 30 minutes of sleep to go to the park by my house and sat there for awhile, hiding so I can cry and no one would hear or see me in such a weak position. I'm breaking down from holding everything in and I feel so confused on why everything I've built up for the past few months are coming down on me now. I just want to have a blank mind and be happy but it seems only one place can make me feel like I'm loved. I wish I didn't feel so broken when there's nothing wrong with me. Maybe it's from holding everything in that hurt me in the past few months I don't really know but letting you all know. I'm okay now and it's my fault for holding everything in. Love ya.


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