Boyfriend Scenrios (1)

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He's a Flirt so expect dates n' shit. He'd probably go all out majority of the time and spoil you 24/7 , he'll also give you a lot of nicknames; ex: Hun, Bae, Shawty (specifically for people taller than him as a joke) He also loves forehead kisses and head pats. Just know in advance that his grammar ain't the best

Obviously gives good emotional support and cheers you up all the time, and he's all up for dates. He's a bit on the slow side but will try his best to meet your needs; He's a switch if that is a concern for you; he's honestly too cute

He's one flirty mf, just know if y'all date you'll be dripped out frfr. He, like Ink, will spoil the heck outta ya and brag about you to practically anyone. He'll take take you out to his favorite spots and spar with you from time to time. He'll do anything he can to protect you

If he's comfortable with it, which is rare, He will allow you to cuddle him from time to time. Error has sort of a temper (cough cough man baby) so expect him to rant about how unfair something is or whatever. Outertale dates are his favorite so most of y'all dates will be there! If you're ever on your period, if you have one, he'll spoil you with chocolate as well as other things you like and make sure you're comfortable the whole time, he also requires a lot of attention

He's honestly always in a bitchy mood so if you're one to put up with that good luck, his personality is the same as it's always been. If you're a very negative and/or blunt he'll find you intriguing

He loves cuddles and bench watching your favorite shows with you whenever, he'll obviously cook you your favorite meals and take you out when Nightmare's not being a bitch. He's a switch if that's a concern; he's all up for anything you want to do

Flirty fuck. He's flirty as hell and will try his best to fluster you when he can. Killer is a gentleman when he wants to be and will take you out with roses and stuff. He's obviously protective of you because you're his but he's not a yandere.

He's a good listener and surprisingly enough likes to watch anime, Even if he's not much of a talker he'll give kind gestures of his love and affection for you, he's all up for cuddles and spoiling you. Just know y'all will go on dates every once in awhile since Nightmare can be extra.

He will try to keep up the whole 'I'm tuff and don't need help' Demeter but you'll see it's all an act he tries to put on. He'll take you out on dates and supply you with all types of sweets if you're into that type of stuff. Expect Fair dates since he loves the fair. He'll be seen with Epic most of the time

Classic/ Comic:
Lazy bum, but for you he'll make an effort. Classic will most likely cuddle you or be asleep on you 24/7. He's not necessarily clingy but he is in the sense that he'll be around you all the time

Fell/ Red:
Rude and flirty? If that makes any sense at all, he's gonna be very protective of you or whatever. It will take awhile to get close to him but when you do he ain't that bad

He's one clingy mf, so prepare yourselves.. He will spoil you and give pet names to be cute, ex: Kitten, Darling. he's also up for matching outfits or whatever. He' just tries his best to make you happy basically

Lust: He's suggestive, if you know what I mean but he won't do anything unless you're comfortable with it. He's flirty as well and loves date nights. He's a good listener and is a safe place for anyone since he's not judgmental.

Geno: He's stubborn but he's a good boyfriend, as you know he's fragile so he won't do some things with you.. 👀 Anyways he gets embarrassed easily and likes to have dates in gardens

He's pretty nerdy if it wasn't obvious enough, and is a Potter head. You'll probably read fan fictions together and shit, he'll also help you when you're sick since he's technically a doctor? Sci is pretty cheesy in general lmao.

Outertale dates because he's a star boy :)) He's pretty lazy but like Sans he'll make an effort to be with you since he loves you or whatever. Expect Puns because he's a pun guy and loves jokes, so if you don't like them I feel bad for you mate

Epic: Will probably annoy you by saying Bruh all the time but he'll won't do it as much if you address it to him. He loves cookies so expect most of your meals to have cookies included in them, everywhere you see him you'll see Cross with him

Color: He's alright, There's more but that's to be determined

Raspberry: meanie, Probably won't date you since he only thinks Blackberry is worthy enough to date him. He only likes his bestie

Blackberry: baddie, Probably won't date you either since he only thinks Raspberry is worthy enough to date him, yeah they're besties

Bird: Loves playing video games, specifically flappy bird. He's honestly pretty shy when it comes to relationships so you'll probably have to take the lead all of the time

Vampire (?): Bleh Bleh Bleh, he'll tell vampire jokes and shit because yeah. He'll give you hickeys since he has a habit biting things. Sleeping schedule? He honestly doesn't have one so when you're up he's up he's will to adjust for you, he loves to give you flower crowns

Bill Sans: Biggest flirt in the multiverse that's it that's all

Error404: Claims to hate dating but is with you anyways, there's more but that's to be determined

Dance: you would probably watch dancing with the stars 27/4  and hear star puns. He would take you out star gazing for most of your dates. He's a good cuddle buddy

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