The Rescue Mission

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The plan was seemed simple. All we had to do is locate where Lucy had taken Natsu and then bring them both back to the guild. Locating them wasn't a problem. We had two dragon slayer with amazing noses that could easily detect the scents of the two members. The hard part would be controlling Lucy.

She had an amazing amount of power when she took Natsu. She definitely wouldn't be easy to defeat.

"Oi, Erza, you okay?" A voice called that interrupted my thoughts. I looked to my right and saw Gray looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just don't know how we are going to bring both of them back to the guild." He nodded. "Lucy did have a lot more power than usual."

We just stood there in thought before Levy said something. We walked over to her. "What is it Levy?" I asked.

She looked at me with bright shining eyes. "I know how Lu-chan got that much power!" She said to me.

My eyes widened stunned. "How?!" I said a bit desperate. I really wanted to get them and go back to the guild. It felt weird without Natsu yelling at Gray or Lucy telling me about the new styles and new types of cakes.

"It says right here!" She said and began reading from the book.

When a celestial mage has obtained enough keys, they go through a sort of phase. It is called celestial mating season. Many other mages experience the same thing, like armoured mages. What happens is the celestial mage begins to have a sort of craving for one particular person, often of the opposite sex. The mage will then do all they can to have the person, no matter what the sacrifice. There is no known way how to control the mage, other than letting them do whatever they want to the person or killing them if what they want from the person is to high of a sacrifice.

Levy stopped reading. "T- that's all it says..." She said quietly. For a while nobody said anything. I didn't expect this. I don't want to hurt Lucy in any way possible, letting alone kill her. But if I don't there is a high chance that Natsu could get hurt by Lucy. What do we do?

"There is only one thing to do." A voice said. I turned and saw master. He looked just as troubled as the rest of us.

"It appears we will just have to try with everything we have." He looked at me. "We will send team Nats- I mean, team Erza to search for them.

In team Erza will be Erza, Gray, Wendy, Gajeel, and... who else would like to go?"

Nobody raised their hands. ""Anybody?" Master asked.

"Master I would, but I have to watch my daughter while Azlack is healing." Biscka said giving master a apologetic face. He nodded as if to say he understood.

"Juvia can go." Juvia said walking in to the front of the crowd. "Juvia will help to get Natsu-san and Love rival back." I smiled at her. Master nodded in approval.

"Um, I can go too. I'll just have to quit my mission." Levy said stepping up towards the front of crowd with Juvia. I smiled.

"Do you guys mind if I go also?" A small voice called. It was Lisanna. I smiled at her.

"No, we don't mind at all. The more the merrier." She gave me a smile back.

"Alright, let's go!" Gajeel said walking to the door with Levy following close behind.

"Be safe!" Mira Jane called behind as we walked out of the guild. "We will!" Lisanna yelled after her.

I walked in front of all of them with a serious look on my face. Be ready Natsu and Lucy, we will save you!

Hey Mina! I know, I know, this chapter was long and had no Nalu in it, which is depressing. But don't worry, I will add lots more in the next chapter! I also added some of my other favorite ships,like Gruvia, Gale, and maybe some Jerza. And, because I'm so cruel, I added Lisanna to cause havoc! So be prepared! - Cocoa 113

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