Victoria G Interviews Taylor Rousseau

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become a model?

Taylor Rousseau: Anyone in my family could tell you I have loved being in front of the camera for as long as I can remember. At that age though it's just for fun, right? Well if we are being honest here, I never would've thought I could make what I was doing for "fun" into a career. Well my mom did, she believed in me so much she flew me to California for a while, to make sure I got every opportunity possible. So, I guess you could say my mom inspired me. Without her believing in me, I wouldn't be where I am today.

VG: Who is your style icon?

TR: I'm going to have to say Dolly Parton, no one quite does it like her.

VG: What is your favorite thing about modeling?

TR: I have a lot of favorites but my most favorite thing about modeling will have to be the clothes, the fashion, the style. I love it all!

VG: What are three qualities every model should have?

TR: 1. Confidence 2. Humility 3. A Bubbly Personality

VG: Do you have any advice for an aspiring model?

TR: Don't be shy, don't doubt yourself, if you want it. Go for it. The only thing that can stop you from doing it, is yourself!

VG: You are the owner of a clothing store, Geaux's Sauvage and a beauty store, Wild Lashes. How did you go about starting up your own companies?

TR: It was definitely a long process opening up my businesses, lots of planning, business licenses, crying, and late nights, you know, all of the not so fun parts about opening a boutique. It was my dream though, and if you know me, you know when I make up my mind to do something, I'm dang sure going to do it. One way or another. A little fun fact about my business, I started the beginning process when I was 14 and I had Geaux Sauvage Copywritten because I knew then that's what I was going to name my business. That will tell you just about how long I have actually wanted to do this. It took several years after that to actually get it open and running, and I was 19 years old when I could actually afford the costs myself and officially opened Geaux Sauvage for business in 2019. It takes a lot of hard work, and a lot of discipline to get a business up and running, and to make it successful but all that seems really small when you're a 14 year old with a big dream to become her own boss!

VG: What advice do you have for young people trying to start up their own company?

TR: My best advice to anyone wanting to open a business, stay consistent. The worst mistakes I've made have a lot to do with not being consistent enough, and if I would have known then, what I know now, I might be further along in this industry.

VG: Do you believe social media is a powerful tool?

TR: Absolutely, if you're a business owner and you aren't taking advantage of this powerful tool. Your business simply, will get left behind.

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

TR: 1. Authentic 2. Confident 3. Humble

VG: What are your social media handles?

TR: TikTok & Instagram - @itstaylorrousseau YouTube - Taylor Rousseau

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

TR: That's such a hard question, I don't think people realize how much I push myself, because I have big dreams. I want to accomplish so much in this life, and I guess I don't know how to put those dreams into words. I will try my best. In 10 years I see myself married to a Godly husband. I see myself finally growing into my destiny, and figuring out exactly what God wants me to be and do in this life. I see Geaux Sauvage no longer being called a "small business" because it's grown bigger than I could've ever dreamt of. On top of that I see myself owning and successfully running at least 3 other businesses, because the sky's the limit. Along with those businesses I see my social media platforms growing bigger than I would've ever thought, I see myself traveling to events, doing brand deals, shoots, collaborations with big businesses! On top of all of that, I also see myself being a Mom, as that will be my greatest accomplishment of all.

VG: What's next for you?

TR: I have a lot of exciting things coming up so make sure you're following along to stay updated. I have a new business in the works right now, and I have some awesome content for that coming yalls way in just a couple weeks! Geaux Sauvage has the Fall collection dropping, and an exciting NFR collection dropping in Nov. Sauvage Lashes is dropping a new Lash Line In Nov. As well as some awesome fashion content coming up for my FAVORITE time of the year **cough cough NFR cough cough** On top of all of that, I will be continuing to post my daily content for you guys. I promise, my social media journey is just beginning.


TR: Pink.

VG: Action movies or Romantic movies

TR: Action.

VG: Singing or Dancing

TR: Singing.

VG: Vampires or Zombies

TR: Vampires.

VG: Mac or PC

TR: Mac.

VG: Marvel or DC

TR: Marvel.

VG: What did you do while in quarantine?

TR: Life went on as usual for me.

Victoria G Interviews Taylor RousseauWhere stories live. Discover now