Day 9.

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September 15. 2 days until the competition.

As Wallace and Gromit braced for another Were-rabbit transformation, Wallace was trying to piece together the invention once again. "I think this piece goes here..." he said, looking at the stained blueprints. "And this one goes... here!" He exclaimed. "I think I got it!" Gromit sat up excitedly. "Go get Hutch, we'll try to fix this mess I started." Wallace stood back from the machine, admiring his work.

Gromit trotted up the basement stairs and towards the upstairs, heading up and opening the door to Wallace's room. He grabbed the still asleep Hutch around the waist and threw him over his shoulder, heading back down. "Aww, the poor chap looks exhausted." He said as he grabbed the bunny, who began to wake up slowly, and placed him inside the Mind-o-Matic, shutting the door. Wallace paused, confusingly turning to Gromit. "Shouldn't I have changed by now?" Gromit shrugged, looking back at the clock. "Usually it happens by now.." Gromit headed upstairs, then returned with... The Book of Monsters. "I didn't even know we had that book." Wallace said, walking towards Gromit as he set it on the table, flipping it open to the page on Were-rabbits. His finger slid down the page as Wallace read aloud, "Once the transformation reaches final stages, victim will not transform into a full Were-rabbit until the final day at midnight." He and Gromit looked at each other. "That means I shouldn't go full rabbit until the vegetable competition!" Wallace said, somewhat excited. We should be able to get me changed back by then, lad!" He said happily as Gromit closed the book. "So technically we're in the clear, which is good," he began, "we just have to reverse the effects, like Winniebago said, and I should be back to myself and Hutch should be a normal bunny again!" Gromit nodded.

They both perked up at a knock at the door.

"Who could be knocking at this hour?" Wallace raised an eyebrow, heading for the stairs. "Come on, Gromit," he called as Gromit trailed behind him. Wallace peered through the window. "It's Totty!" He said excitedly.

Wallace cracked the door open, sticking his snout through. "Wallace, can you come out here for a second?" She asked, a certain sadness in her voice. This was all very fishy to Gromit. She was just over yesterday evening! And at this time of night? Something didn't add up. "Sure, of course," he opened the door, stepping out. He was suddenly struck with a weighted net, pinning him to the sidewalk. He yelped with surprise as he felt muzzle get tied around his snout to keep him from biting. Gromit sharply inhaled with surprise and ran to help, but was blocked by a growling Philip. "You really thought you could trick me into believing that little rabbit was the real Were-Rabbit?" Victor appeared from out of the shadows, a gun in his hands. Wallace felt his heart sink with betrayal as Totty backed away, on the verge of tears. "Totty? What-what's going on?" He felt his adrenaline begin to rush as Victor approached. Gromit could do nothing but watch in horror as the hunter stood over the netted beast. "I'm sorry, Wallace," Totty sobbed, "I didn't want to hurt you," Wallace's eyes darted between Victor and her, feeling his breath start to hitch and his throat knot up from the betrayal. "I-I thought- I could trust you! You promised you wouldn't tell anybody!" He cried, feeling tears begin to form in his eyes. "Take that mutt to that cage, Philip," Victor pointed to a large rabbit cage that lay in the front yard of their home. "You," he pointed to Wallace, "are coming with me, and if you resist or fight or-or anything! I'll shoot! Do you hear?" He grabbed Wallace by the collar of his shirt as he stood up, the net falling off his shoulders. "I'll tell everyone about your "humane" pest control," he mocked, "and your name will be mud," he growled. "Understand me, pesto?" He pulled Wallace down to his eye level by his muzzle as the bunny nodded and let out a soft "mhmm", too choked up to speak. Philip escorted Gromit by forceful growling into the cage, kicking the stick propping the door open, causing it to slam shut. Wallace turned back around to Gromit for help, but was yanked by the chain connected to his muzzle and led away down the road.

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