It all started with a simple child and a puzzle

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In the beginning you were just a normal child, living a normal life, but once your so called "parents" decided to take you to their job your entire life changed FOREVER (DUN DUN DUN *dramatic music*). It was a normal day in Russia, when you were building a puzzle in your room. Your parents decided to come into your room and tell you to get dressed, to bring your kid to work. "Come on y/n its time to go hurry up" said your mother, "okay mom coming", you yelled back.

As you guys walk in you realize all of the working machines and people standing around in suits, coats and armor. "Uhh mom where are we" you manage to stutter out, "your...uh work hunny", said your dad. You look up at both of them with worry in your eyes, you had a bad feeling about this place. You guys continue walking to the back and see a room with toys, a twin sized bed, and 4 locks on the door. You guys walk past it as your parents give you a tour but it does peak your interest. "Here is the cafeteria", said your mom and down the hall to the left are the training rooms "what do you need training rooms for" you ask, "uh nothing really it's just precaution for the higher people", you nod your head and continue the tour. "Okay let me show you this cool room we walked past", you immediately were attentive again, wondering if it was the room that you found interest in before. As you walk back through the compound you stop and say, "oooo is this my room mom", " in fact it is dear" your father said, "go on take a closer look" they both cooed at you. You look closely and then see the door, "Why are there so many locks on the door?''. You ask as you turn around and BOOM the door slams and the last lock is being locked. "Huh?" you said quietly to yourself in confusion, looking around the now cold and lonely room when smoke all of a sudden starts filling the room. You begin to scream and bang on the door pleading for them to let you out. Then, everything goes black.

*11 years later*

(25 year old) You suddenly wake up sweating with tears waiting to slip out. You keep living that memory over and over again, every time you shut your eyes, but you have no idea why. You moved on from your parents' mental and physical tortures, when you first joined hydra now that you are the headmaster you should have moved on. "WEAK!", "SMALL!", "WORTHLESS!", were the words playing on repeat in your head from your parents. "Maybe they're right, maybe I am not cut out for this position" you whispered under your breath, suddenly there was a knock at your door "ENTER!" you yelled, so whoever was on the other side could hear you, but there was a slight crack in your voice. Walking in is your best friend or as everyone else sees her, your second half, Emma, "hey Emma", you sighed while speaking to her "another one?" she said to you with a sigh as well. "Yea i don't understand why they keep coming back when I'm over it", " maybe you're not 100% over it Y/N", you rolled your eyes at her false accusation. "Moving on, what did you need from me? Are our scouters back from their mission?", you asked her, "yes in fact they are, you should know that the Avengers were there and messed some of them up. They came back with tons of injuries and a third dead", she stated to you, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! AGAIN?", you yelled, Emma sighs, "yes". You quickly get up from your bed and go to the main med bay, you see half the team banged up, you walk up to the team leader, Barry, with a powerful and stern look, "Barry what the hell! You were supposed to keep a close eye on everyone." you say while slightly raising your voice "I did" he says blandly, "NO YOU DID NOT!" you took a pause and calmed down, "you did the complete and utter opposite Barry. I can not have you in charge during missions if my team comes back looking like this". "Sorry", he states, "sorry just is not going to cut it, Emma you know what to do". 

this is  edited by my friend (ANH) :) but this is my first time writing a book I hope you guys like it sorry this chapter was super short

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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