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As I sit my aching middle aging body down onto a bus stop bench there is a breeze lightly blowing. I'm trapped in a very dark place within myself and ritually being chased by shadows, my demons. Regardless, I still find a little light inside of me to temporarily cause the shadows to stay their place so I could acknowledge and be in the moment.

For a few seconds I can appreciate the real magic being conjured up around me personified as the name of the wind. I want to believe that I can one day fix my poor brain and hopefully turn my demons into angels that will release me from the torments and torture from being trapped inside of myself. Instead of complete oneness I feel isolation whenever I'm alone with my haunting, twisted thoughts. The experience is like listening to the loudest silence I've ever heard.

As I look up to the sky, I wonder if Gaia knows or even cares about what is happening to me because I pray and ask for guidance from her but it feels as if my pleas are falling on deaf ears and the Goddess is too busy to pay any attention to my pathetic life to lead me back to the right path of my life's journey. I am broken, weak and worn down. I am just existing and I am not living. Edgar Allan Poe was right, life is just a dream within a dream.

It seems as though the wind is picking up speed by the second. A storm is gathering together building up strength wanting to explode over the city like an electricity and water filled piñata. I feel sorry for the elements that come together and eventually manage to hit and break it open. As I randomly look down at my body I realize that for once I have actually thought ahead and brought my jacket with me despite it not being that cold when I left my home. My old bones told me subconsciously that it might become colder. I guess even the sun shines on a dog's ass every once in a while. It only takes one mistake for someone to learn a lesson. Sometimes twenty.

As the wind continues to build up I just sit in silence so I can concentrate on Mother Gaia's words whispering gently in the bellows of the strong breezes that furiously gather to give birth to even more powerful winds. And then I hear it. There is an unsettling growl within the winds whispers and it feels unnatural. Chaotic.

Trouble is brewing and Gaia's anger and frustration is coming to the stormfront. Her adamant warning is telling me that I must find shelter very soon and not just from the imminent storm but also from a serious threat unseen in my future. She speaks but am I really listening? I know what it is that she speaks of but instead of giving me strength to face my situation it terrifies me to the soul. The Goddess Mother Earth is trying to protect me, her child, her son by warning me of my impending doom that will befall me if I don't take a final stand and dance with the devil in the pale moon light. She is trying to save me from my nemisis, my mortal enemy, the root of all evil, myself. There never was a calm before the storm of my existence.

This is my last and final thought, my last memory, my last moment, my last haunting farewell lullaby as a human being; This war inside my head is the struggle within that I did not begin but I will end when I am long gone and woefully dead. God help my poor soul. I'm sorry Mother....

Sometimes the evil in the world wins and sometimes the existential whispers of wisdom in the wind fall on deaf or dead ears.

WhisperWind (flash fiction story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt