The Beginning

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I was happy in my home. My parents loved me and cared for me even though I looked different from them and walked on four paws instead of two. I happily curled up in my Mama's lap as she pet my long vermillion fur while she watched the loud, colorful screen.

My Papa came up to her and said something to Mama. She nodded and gently placed me on the ground. I hated when they had to run errands. Errands meant that Mama and Papa would be away from home for a while.

I hopped back up onto the sofa and curled up where there was warmth. My eyelids starting feeling heavy so I closed them, starting to fade away into sleep.

~1 hour later~

Mama and Papa were home, but I don't remember coming outside. I greeted Mama and Papa by rubbing on their legs and yet they didn't see or feel me. I was slightly confused. Whenever I greeted them, Mama and Papa would usually pet me or pick me up.

I looked up at them. Mama and Papa's faces looked shocked? Why are they shocked? Then I looked over at the house, or the crumbling dark remains of what used to be a house.

I felt a cold chill run down my spine, my fur bristled slightly. Why don't I remember coming outside? Why won't Mama and Papa look at me? What happened to the house? Then I realized... I don't remember coming outside because I never did, I was still in the house when this happened. I lowered my head sadly, I already miss Mama.

In a bout of hope, I ran inside the remains of the house and looked for the sofa I had slept on, and there I saw myself or what used to be me. The view of what I saw on the sofa was horrifying, I was slightly happy that I couldn't feel the pain. The sofa was burnt and slightly caved in on itself, my fur was almost completely burnt away, showing the burnt skin and some of the skin was so burnt that my bones were jutting out and visible. Mama and Papa were still outside on the driveway, Mama was crying while Papa called someone with his phone.

~4 minutes later~

The fire department was here. They were talking to Mama and Papa. Some of them came into the house wearing their equipment and put out the rest of the fire.

One of the firemen noticed my body on the sofa and radioed to the other firemen. I heard Mama cry louder from outside. I wanted to make her feel better, but she couldn't see me anymore. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes.

The fireman took my body and put it in a small container. I followed him as he went outside and to Mama. I watched as he handed the container to Mama. Mama took the container and hugged it. Just then did I feel the tears come down my face.

Mama and Papa got back in their car, the container held tight in Mama's arms. I hopped in the car just before Mama shut her door and jumped into the backseat. I sat down as the vehicle began moving out of the driveway.

~3 minutes later~

I waited and waited for the vehicle to come to a stop. A minute had passed when the car finally stopped. I noticed Mama was getting out, so I hopped out with her. I followed Mama to a new-looking gravestone. I looked around and saw other pets around me. They looked lost as they stared at me. I greeted them then continued to follow Mama.

Mama was digging a hole that would fit the container. It took a little while before Mama was finally able to put the container in. I watched as she put the dirt back over the container. I sat down and stared at my grave.

I noticed Mama left. I sadly laid down next to my grave.

~1 day later~

I had laid next to my grave for a whole day. My eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, so I curled up and instantly fell asleep. I was still mentally awake, but not physically. I heard someone or something digging up my grave and saying something. I began to slowly wake up to see someone in a white coat holding my container. They turned away from my grave and walked towards a white van with blacked-out windows. They slid open the door, and I saw another person in a white coat. I followed them into the vehicle. They slid the door closed after I sat down on the floor. I heard the people talking to each other. The van lurched forward and drove out of the graveyard.

It took about 6 minutes for the vehicle to get to its destination. The people in the white coats slid open the doors and hopped out. I followed in pursuit. They took my body to a completely white room with a metal table in the middle. The table was surrounded by machines and smaller metal tables with wheels.

They put the container on the metal table and opened it. Carefully taking out my body and laying it on the table. I hopped up on the table and immediately felt dizzy. I fell over, and my vision went to black.

~After an unknown amount of time~

I woke up, but I felt different. It felt like I had a body. I looked down and was shocked when I didn't see my fuzzy paws. I saw skinny clawed hands. I also noticed that I would see in more than one direction. I started panicking and tried to let out a cry. But instead, a loud, dry noise came out of my throat.

I tried to stand up, but I was too wobbly and unbalanced so I slowly laid back down.

I heard noises from outside of the room. I looked over and saw the people in the white coats coming into the room. I growled at them in confusion.

I whipped my head around to find something that was reflective. I wanted to look at myself and see what was wrong with me. I noticed that one of the people was carrying something. They slowly walked to the wall in front of me and placed the object they were holding. It was a mirror.

I hopped down from the metal table and stumbled over to the mirror. I didn't want to look, but I had to. I saw a different body than my own. I was taller, skinnier, and multiple spots of my skin were missing.

I was disgusted by myself. I was a hideous monster. Boney spikes were jutting out of my spine and went all the way to the top of my head. My lower jaw was all bone, and my now purple tongue was going straight through the bottom. There was a leftover tuft of my red fur on the tip of my tail. The very last of the original me.

I was wondering how I was even walking. My back legs were all bone, and my front legs were unrealistically slender. As I began to look up I noticed my eyes. My original eye was blind, and the other was missing. I had multiple sets of eyes, even one on my stomach region and above my front left leg. How could Mama love me now? No, Mama will love me even if I look like a hideous monster!

I heard the people whispering amongst each other, but I could understand them if I listened hard enough.

"So this is '2156' or the 'Bonez' experiment?"

"Yes! It was the first success!"

"Isn't it able to speak English?"

"Yeah... and understand English."

"So it can listen in on conversations?"


"That's really freaky to think about.. but useful."

2156? Experiment?? No. No, that can't be right... I'm no 2156 or experiment! Mama wouldn't allow this to happen to me! Mama won't let them do this! I WANT MAMA!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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