chapter 1 (Hazel)

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I made a huge mistake. HUGE! I was going to fast, I wasn't paying attention. How could I be such an IDIOT!  Before I knew it, BAM! my books went flying everywhere as I crashed into someone.  

"I'M SO SORRY" I said as I ran off in a panic.  

I'm losing my mind why did I choose to write a love letter. 

Later on I finally built up the courage. I was gonna do this. TODAY. This was going to happen, today! 

I approached his locker. I quickly shoved the thin white envelope in, and ran away.  As I scurried off I felt as if there were eyes on me.  Was it Preston?  Did he see me put the letter in his locker.  No way! I doubt it.  But what if he did. I'm screwed.

(132 words)

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