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"It has no end," thinks the young boy. No matter how hard he covers his ears, the screams persist and seem only to grow louder and louder. He cannot help but look at the window, staring directly at it as a fluid slowly streams down, painting the glass dark red. Not even the warmth of his mother's arm around him can calm his nerve. Sensing her son quivering nonstop, she holds him tighter and softly rests her on his.

"Everything will be fine. The king and his army will win", she said assuredly, hiding her doubt for the king's chance. By sounds coming from outside, the situation seems dire. She closes her eyes and starts to pray. "Bless us, dear Goddess, protect the king's men and us from the horde that tries to destroy all that you hold dear. Do not let them take my son away, for he is pure and loyal to you. If a sacrifice is required, I am willing to give you my life for his safety. I beg you, please let me...", suddenly a thunderous bang is heard. The mother looks up and sees that two armor-clad men had slammed open the door, their eyes fiercely moving until one spots her. The soldier rushes to her side and extends his arm, "You must go to the docks now; the city is burning."

As soon as he stepped out of the house, the air became heavier and almost unbearable. Struggling to breathe, the boy swiped away the smoke as best he could. He looks around, but he can barely make sense of anything. The fire raged all around him, and its smoke was so thick, one could not see anything past 7 meters. Suddenly the boy is knocked to the ground as a dozen soldiers rush past. He sees them disappear into the smoke, possibly towards the direction of the battle. Two hands reach down and grab his arm, pulling him back up; it was his mother. Although he could not hear her due to the deafening cry of the carnage, she pointed to the other direction, clearing indicating the way to the port. 

They ran as fast as they could, for time was of the essence

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They ran as fast as they could, for time was of the essence. Word had arrived that due to the grave turn in the battle, the Amlyran fleet had been ordered to evacuate the civilians and escort them to the sister continent. Before reaching the ships, they stumbled upon a group of soldiers escorting civilians when suddenly a booming shriek was heard high above the people. From the black smoke emerged a winged beast diving directly into the crowd. The captain ordered his men to form a defensive line. On his signal, the archers launched a volley of arrows, but the beast swiftly evaded them. Before the captain could order a new volley, the monster swooped in, slashing with its large claws and killing the captain. The remaining combatants surrounded it to avenge their comrade, but the beast managed to keep their distance by swinging its tail around.

The boy and the mother could only watch in horror as the fight blocked their way out. They witnessed the archers loading up to once more, but so did the giant bird. The winged demon rose its wing and began to fly away just as the soldiers unleashed their missiles. Although the winged demon quickly rose to the air, the arrows met their mark and pierced its wings. Unfortunately, it crashed directly into the building behind the mother and son. With the building falling on top of them, both began to run to safety. Knowing that there was no time, the matriarch placed both of her hands firmly in the back of her son, pushed with all of her might she could muster.

Once again, the kid was lying on the ground. He slowly raised himself back up, "Mama!" he remembered and quickly turned around. His eyes looked upon where his mother was, but there was only rubble of the collapsed building. Wasting no time, the boy began to remove the debris.

"Mama! Mama, can you hear! Please say something!" he says, desperately trying to reach her, but the rubble proves too heavy for his tiny hands.

"Somebody, please help Mama. She is trapped under here." He yells in the direction of the soldiers. It seems to fall on deaf ears as they fail to look his way and begin to run deeper into the city.  He continues to scream, hoping that someone, anyone, can hear him. It was then that he started to notice his knees feeling an unusual sense of wetness. Taking a step back, he realizes that straight from the rubble flows a thick fluid, the same dark red fluid he saw on the window. 

"No, No, No..." is all it would come to his mind, and it would seem nonstop. That was until the most distributing sound got his attention. It was distant yet loud enough to be heard as though it was right in front of him. The young man did not know why but he was now fixated towards the direction of the sound, unable able to move even though his entire being begged him to run. All of a sudden, a powerful wind blew right through him and covered him entirely in the black smoke. The boy immediately covered his eyes and mouth to avoid any repeat of the danger the smoke posed. But just as fast as the smoke came upon him, it was gone. With the smoke gone, he could finally see into the streets, all the way to the king's palace. Once he saw the palace, he saw it; what could only be the source of that disturbing sound. At the top of the place was the most demonic creature the boy had ever seen, a dragon. The size of it was indescribable.  The monster seems to be so big it nearly eclipses the entire moon. He could not know its features, for its scales are black as the night itself, only illuminated by the fire below and the moon above it. The one clear feature that was identifiable was its demonic, red eyes. Right below the eyes, a bright light appears out of nowhere, growing bigger and bigger. 

Only a fool would not understand what the dragon was about to do, and the boy was no fool

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Only a fool would not understand what the dragon was about to do, and the boy was no fool. Yet, he seemed incapable of running. He cursed at his legs to do something, anything but to no avail. The kid's mind was of no use, only once more hearing his mother's words, perhaps her last. 

"Run Marcus, do not stop," was what she said before the building collapsed on top of her. Even as the bright light was now fast approaching him,  all he could do was to hear her voice over and over, until...silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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