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To my aspiring writer,

Hey there, love. I know in some situations you doubt yourself. There would be scenarios where you couldn't stop questioning your capabilities.

"Am I really a writer? I can't even finish a story."

This is one of the common lines that every starting writer says, especially those who doubt themselves.

"Ayaw ko ng magsulat, wala namang nagbabasa."

"Ayaw ko ng magsulat, hanggang unang chapter lang naman ako."

"Ayaw ko ng magsulat, tinatamad ako."

"Ayaw ko ng magsulat, hindi ko alam kung paano ko itutuloy."

Those are the lines you tell yourself most of the time. But let me remind you that it is normal. It's part of the process.

It is not always the case that once you publish your story, a lot of people can reach it in just a minute. It would take a lot of time, and you have to be patient.

It always starts from nothing... until a lot of people reach it. Do not focus yourself on monitoring the progress every day; time will come for that one day. You would feel shocked and say:

"Omg! Really? From ten to one thousand reads? I can't believe it."

"I just logged out, and then when I came back... I already had a lot of followers."

"Seriously? I left this with only 10 votes, and now it has almost half the reads."

"Wow, I was just imagining this happening... I was just reading it on my cellphone, and now... I am holding it. I have my physical book."

That is what they say, we should never expect it. We must never assume, because maybe you don't feel what other writers feel... That only means that it is not yet your time.

To every aspiring writer who doubts themselves, let me remind you that you are a great writer. Don't mind the bashers! They just feel insecure because they don't have the talent God gave you. Continue what you are doing. It may be slow progress, but it is okay. Do not think of stopping it, I know it is your dream. All you have to do is believe in yourself and in that dream. Time will come, and you will have your own name. All the hard work and sleepless nights spent creating a chapter will all be worth it in the end.

I hope you believe it the way I believe it. "There's always a right time for everything."

I am proud of you! Padayon!

Your fan,


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