Through The Storm

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Happy day filled with laughter ,
Only to turn to my only nightmare
My pride and enjoy has vanished like
The wind .my corpse can no longer
Stand after every afternoon with the family and friends
Laughing with no ending I see the beauty that can never end turn to my
Sorrows a heavy storm hits and all we can feel is the ground shake heavy, I turn to my left and to my right there I
Finally saw fear...

In the eyes of every man and women
All of are sudden it stops and my feet
Gets wet and all I see is a mighty rush
Of water like an unstoppable force
And all I hear is "daddy"....
6 am in the morning before incident
I sing a special song to my daughter
And on my right my beautiful wife
Jenny,her smile lighterns my soul
7 am we leave for the park 7:30 we on
The road smiling 8:00 we arrive at the

At the venue all I see is beautiful smiles that can never stop loving .
A man grabs my arm and tells me
To leave it's not a gud day , [I ask him
Why] and he tells me "the weather today is not gud heavy storm could cause a tsunami and other reactions to climate "but looking at the sky I see the sun ,so I say to my self what is he saying . My wife grabs my hand and ask if we could have a second child
[What in The world is happening ].

One minute I am asked to leave and the second my day is bright [could this man be crazy as Einstein or what]
And the moment comes we gather around and we sing that's when the
Ground began to shake and all of a sudden it stops and the ground becomes wet and that's when I saw a
Mighty rush of water coming as if it
Had no stopper .

I run as fast as I can towards my family and I could not reach them
As I could hear the screams of people
All around me I could not bare the loss ,7 days later I begin my search and no hope if u had notice that they had passed me and I did not see .

Another 7 days going down it feels as if i am running in circles I sat down
And an old lady came besides Me and asked me "what's wrong young man "
I look up and I see this sunlight in my face smiling and I wept as I told her
"I am looking for my wife and daughter "and she told me "have faith " and I placed my head back down

And the news reported another T .Storm on the way [ will I find them in time ]as I begin my search a middle as man offers to help me what I did not know they were planing on killing me and take my spot on the plane
On the way they pulled the gun on me
And shot luckily they missed and I managed to run away...

As I did that's when I saw them walking towards the bus to head toward the aircraft, I couldn't help but smile ,I touched them and I could feel the sudden peace rain in my heart that's when I put on board

And suddenly the guys found me and we began to go on each other
My eyes feel with anger I killed the man and managed to escape but the bus had already gone .I used an other mode of transport as fast as I can that's when it began to rain as heavy as it can the storm so strong no one can move through the heavy wind blowing they said this is the heavy wind of maputo no one not even iron can withstand it .

I found my self up side down trying to escape a hand stretched to my rescue with a big kiss turned out to be my wife .as we made our way towards the plane we managed to make a breakthrough out of the area and into a better province.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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