How to Grow Kohlrabi

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It features a long, leafy stem with a round, purple, pale green, or white bulb. On the inside, it's always white-yellow. Kohlrabi has a similar flavor and texture to broccoli stems and cabbage, but it is slightly sweeter. Salads and soups are popular uses for the bulb, but they can also be grilled or sauteed. Its leaves and stems have a small chew to them and cook in the same way that collard greens do.


Plant spring plants 4 weeks before the last frost date to ensure that they mature in cool weather. Plants that have recently emerged from a greenhouse require immediate protection from frost. Plant fall flowers and vegetables about 6 weeks before the first frost. Plants that have been "hardened" through gradual exposure to cool weather in the fall are frost resilient. Kohlrabi that has matured in chilly conditions is sweet and tasty.

Sunlight, Soil, and Watering:

needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, but more is preferable. Give it soil that is fertile, well-drained, and moist, with lots of organic matter. To develop healthy bulbs, kohlrabi needs an even supply of moisture. Mulch the soil with compost, finely ground leaves, or finely ground bark to keep it cool and wet while also keeping weeds at bay. If it doesn't rain, apply 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week.

Pest, and Disease:

Aphids, root maggots, cabbageworms, and other caterpillars are less common. In the soil, clubroot and black rot diseases might be an issue.

How to Harvest:

A stem is harvested by cutting it from the plant's base with a serrated knife. Before cooking or preserving, remove the leaves from the stem. Kohlrabi stems can be eaten raw or prepared in the same way that turnips are. The leaves can be consumed raw or cooked until they are delicate. Snip the leaves off the stem for eating at any point during the growing season, but don't take all of them so the plant can continue to grow.

Health Benefits of Kohlrabi :

Antioxidants are abundant:

Kohlrabi has a lot of antioxidants in it, thus it's good for your health. Vitamin C, anthocyanins, isothiocyanates, and glucosinolates are just a few of the antioxidants found in kohlrabi. These are plant components that protect your cells from free radical damage, which could increase your illness risk.

Encourages a healthy gut:

Kohlrabi is a high-fiber vegetable. Fiber, both soluble and insoluble, is present. The former is a water-soluble compound that aids in the maintenance of normal blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, isn't broken down in the colon, thus it helps to bulk up your stool and promote regular bowel movements.

Reduces the risk of heart disease:

Kohlrabi includes glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, which are plant chemicals found primarily in cruciferous vegetables. The capacity of glucosinolate to expand blood arteries and reduce inflammation has been related to a lower risk of heart disease. Isothiocyanates also have antioxidant qualities that may help to keep plaque from forming in your arteries.

Aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system:

Kohlrabi's nutrients may help your immune system. Vitamin B6 is abundant in this vegetable and is required for a variety of processes, including protein metabolism, red blood cell production, and immunological function. Vitamin B6 helps to make white blood cells and T-cells, which are immune cells that fight foreign invaders and are essential for a healthy immune system.

Increases Energy Levels:

Kohlrabi is high in potassium, which, while not widely mentioned, is an important component of muscle and nerve function in the body. Every day, it aids us in our ability to move, breathe, react, and function. As a result, sufficient amounts of this mineral–along with the high potassium content of this vegetable–make it an excellent addition to your diet for staying alert, energetic, and focused.

Anemia is avoided by taking this supplement.

Kohlrabi also contains iron in addition to potassium. The high levels of iron in kohlrabi go hand in hand with the high potassium content; iron aids in the production of red blood cells (RBC), which are necessary for preventing anemia (iron deficiency). Weakness, exhaustion, headaches, stomach problems, confusion, and a weakened immune system are all symptoms of this insufficiency.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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