prougle : to resist

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Told form missi's point of view

I slowly walked down the hall. I began to tear up at the thought of me losing my own self. I then took a look out the window to see that vampire who i ment when i frist entered this creepy, old mashion. I glacned back to the staff and felt a certain type of anger.

This type of anger was new to me. I felt angry because i almost lost myself to the vampire staff, but also because that vampire didn't stay dead. But why would i feel angry towards the vampire not staying dead? Afterall, i was the one who brought him back. In conclusion, this anger was stupid and let it go.

I opened the door. Once more, i gazed back to see the staff lying on the ground. It look so lifeless on the dirty ground, unlike when it was in my hands. I slowly walked back to the staff. I setted my backpack down and walked towards the staff. Without thinking, i picked it up. 

" the power! Oh me! Oh my!"

The eyes of the stone bat ontop of the staff glowed blood red. " feel that power, missi! Do you want to trow it away?". " no!" I held the staff with a frim grip and held it up high in the air. " missi! If you do this you shall lose yourself forever!".  " lose myself" i lowered the staff to my side. " forever?".

" think about the power, missi, the vampire power". I held the staff high once more. " that's right" i smriked. " no! Once you take the power once more, you'll be a vampire forever!". Once more, the staff came down to my side. " vampire forever?" I sighed.  " who cares!? It's about the vampire power! Remember, missi?".

" shut up!" I held the staff high. " i shall decide my own fate!". With one heavily froced swing to the ground, the staff broke into two pieces. I then stepped on the two pieces and broke them even more. " and i decide to leave the power" i walked towards the door and grabbed my backpack.

I then looked back to see nothing, but an emepty hallway. " good day, nightmares" with a loud slam, i shut the doors of the mashion shut and headed home.


Vampire No More  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ