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Ranboo POV: I was so excited! I was finally going to meet my friends. I have been streaming for about 2 years now, and have made some great friends. The only problem was that they were all in the UK. I live in America, as charming as it is. But I needed to meet my friends. So I booked a flight to go to the UK. I was going to be there for 4 months. It was hopefully, going to be the best 4 months I have ever had! I packed all my stuff. I had so many bags. My parents needed to help me with it. I eventually got everything into the car. I hoped into the passenger seat as my mom sat in the Driver. I was old enough to get a license but I was scared too. I was also saving money to buy a car. So as soon as I could drive, I would get the car of my dreams! My mom started the car and on came on of my favorite songs. "Marlboro Nights." By Lonely god. The song came on and my eyes lit up with glee. "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, I can't study thinking about you!" I sang loudly. My mother smiled at me. She only ever saw me this happy when I was on with my friends. It was a nice change for her to see me so happy and excited. I continued to sing along as we got closer and closer to the airport.


We arrived at the airport about 15-20 minutes after. I got out of the tiny car and walked into the back. I grabbed my stuff, needing help from my mom to carry some things. I shut the trunk and began walking with my mother. I walked in and got a lot of stares. I was 6'6 and was being followed and helped by this little 5'5 woman. I ignored everyone. Nothing could ruin my mood. I was so so thrilled to finally meet some of my best friends. My mother and I walked to the security area. We walked in with all the stuff and I began to unload all my electronics. I had brought my entire computer, my little laptop, my mic, my key board, and a lot more. The security guard stared at my suspiciously. "Where you goin bud?" The man asked me. "Oh! I'm going to the UK to meet up with friends." I thought it was weird that he asked considering I was in the passports line but I shook it off. "I knew it!" He practically screamed. "Knew w-what?" I asked, startled. "You are Ranboo! My daughter watches you! If you don't mind me asking but, could I get a picture?" I had never been recognized before so this was a weird experience for me. I had never thought someone would want a picture with ME! "Oh! Y-Yes, of course." I stuttered, still a little startled. He got the picture and I continued to unload everything. I was about to walk to the metal detector but then I heard a stern voice. "Take off your glasses. We need to be able to see you." I had always worn my glasses and mask. I hated how I looked and everything about me. "Do I have to?" I asked, dreading the answer. "Yes. Yes you do." The security guard said firmly. I slowly took my glasses off, reveling my eyes. My green and red eyes that I hated, oh so much. I put my glasses into the bin with all of my electronics. I quickly walked into the medal detector, not wanting to make eye contact. I walked out of the big machine. I quickly walked over to the bin of all of my electronics. I grabbed my glasses and quickly put them on. As I did so my mom walked out of the big machine I had just come from. "Here honey, let me help you with all of this stuff.


"Flight 475 will be boarding in 10 minutes." I heard over the intercom. I looked to my mom. We stood up and I grabbed some of my bags. "Honey let me help." I smiled, even though she couldn't see it through my mask. My mom and I walked over to the line of people waiting at a desk. "I'm going to miss you mom." I looked at her. She was crying a little bit. "I will to honey! You have fun! I know you will do great things." I knelt down, to her level. I hugged her tightly. "Flight 475 will be boarding." I heard. I let go of my mom and stood up. I gave her one last wave as I began to walk through the tunnel that lead to the plane. She waved until I couldn't see her anymore. I sighed and continued to walk. I felt a little awkward. I hated being out with no one I knew. I got onto the plane and walked all the way to the back. I heaved my bags up to the overhead bins. I put all of them up and then walked to my seat. I was in the very very back, in the aisle seat. I saw someone already sitting there. He was much shorter then me, as most people are. He looked at me and smiled, which was weird. I was usually just stared at or looked at confused because of my mask and glasses. I sat down and was quiet. I brought out my phone and texted one of my friends. Tommy.

Ranboo: Tommy I'm on the plane. I will see you in 10 hours!

Tommy: Can't wait big man! I have to introduce you to one of my friends as well. He is coming back from the US!

Ranboo: Sounds fun. Can't wait!

I put my phone away. I sat there awkwardly next to the guy. I hadn't really looked at him. I was scared to. "So why you on this flight." The man asked. His voice. It was so cute. He had a British accent and he just sounded happy. I blushed a little. 'Shoot! Why am I blushing? I have never met this guy.' I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sensation of someone looking at me. I looked at him for the first time. He was cute. He had brown, fluffy light hair, rosy little cheeks. And the most kissable, cute, plump lips I have ever seen. 'Thank god for my mask.' "I get it if you don't want to talk. Sorry for bothering you." He said and looked away. "Oh no no no! Its fine. I sometimes just get lost in thought." The man looked at me, with a little glint of happiness in his eyes, knowing that he didn't upset me. "Oh it is perfectly fine! So why are you on this flight big man?" 'Weird, he talks like Tommy.' "Oh well I'm going to meet up with friends." "Cool! I just got back from seeing friends. It was so so much fun. I loved my trip so much! I haven't seen my friends for a while. I have only seen them once but it was great anyway! But I'm going off on a tangent. Tell me about yourself. What's you name?" I chuckled at how fast the boy could talk. "My name is Ranboo. Well that's not my real name, but I prefer it." The boy smiled. "What an interesting but fun name. I'm Tubbo! Also not my real name. But I prefer it." I smiled at how he copied my sentence. We continued to talk. "What do you do for work Ranboo?" I knew this would come up. I didn't want to tell him. I was a little bit embarrassed by it. "O-oh well uh. I program." I said, almost as a question. Tubbo chuckled. His laugh was so cute. I blushed a bit. "Oh well what do you do?" I asked Tubbo. "I stream. With my friends." "Really? That is actually what I do. I was a bit embarrassed by it. But that's really cool." Tubbo laughed with joy. "Ya it is! Hey, we could stream together sometime. Maybe even meet up again?" "Yes! I-I mean ya. That would be fun." I could see a little blush appear on his face. We continued to talk and before we knew it, the lights on the inside turned off and we were in the air! We talked for hours. I took out my phone. 3:46 am. Tubbo yawned. I smiled at him. "I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna nap for a bit." "I'm pretty tired too." Tubbo yawned again. It was really cute. Tubbo got out a little blanket and put it over both of our seats. He sighed, put the armrest in between us up and leaned against me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. 'Why do I feel like this? I just met this guy. Yet I feel like I have known him for years.' I eventually fell asleep, Tubbo still resting on me.
Hi children! So I got bored of the other story and I am currently in another state and while on the plane I had an idea for this fan fiction. Soooo here we are. I will update the other one soon I promise! Okay bye Queens!


-Author :)

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