What's going on?

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The rain...
What is wrong with it?...
Is that my sadness following me?...
I'm so tired of the rain, of my sadness.. I'm tired of everything...
It's been few days already in this huge mansion and I was all alone here. No sound. Nothing.
It felt like I'm at my parents home again....
Jungkook was gone after the day of our wedding. I don't know where he is and he didn't told me where he is going...
The sound of rain got mixed with police sirens.

Y/N: "What's going on?"
I got scared.

I ran inside the house with fast beating heart, it felt like it will fall out anytime from anxiety, from the felling that I don't know what's going on.
I looked throught the window just to see several cars of police in fron of mansion.
I gasped as I felt arm pulling me away from the window into the middle of the living room.

Y/N: "What the f--?!"

Jungkook: "We need to get out from here. Take your bags."
Gives bags.

I looked at him in confusion as he looked at me seriously.

Y/N: "What's going on? Why we have to leave?"
My mind was filled with many questions as I didn't understood what's happening.

He looked towards doors as he hears knocks and yells asking to open the door.
He looked back at me.

Jungkook: "You wanna stay here and get in prison or wanna go with me?"
He offers his hand.

I flinched by louder knocks, holding my bags.
My heart was beating fastly as I looked into his hand.
What he meant by that?... Why we have to leave?... What he did that police is here?...
I couldn't stop thinking...
I grabbed his hand and he pulled me out from mansion, without looking back....
Going after you.. I felt strong conection.. but I never knew that it will lead me somewhere... where I'll suffer more and worse..
I felt like we both are destined for each other... but I never throught of the things, which were happening around us... mostly... you.

When you are force to marry the criminal | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now