Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A/N: I'm Back!!! Yeah!!! New Story!!! I have really good feelings about this one so I hope you all enjoy it!!! Tell me what you think!! I start posting like I usually do next week!!!

Harry Styles, that's me. I have a decent sized apartment in London, nothing to fancy. I work in Starbucks and I'm pretty sure you know what that is because who doesn't. I live under a routine and I can't seem to break that. Get up every morning, have a jog, grab something quick for breakfast and head to work. Work fills my day up. Then I go home eat dinner and occasionally watch TV and then fall asleep to get up and do it all over again. Fun right?

I'm very independent and have a couple of close friends but that's about it. Liam, one of my best lads, works in Starbucks with me. Saturday we have a guys night and we'll pick a house to go over. It's either Zayn's, Louis', Niall's, Liam's or mine. Sometimes I just wish my life would change. I've had a few relationships in the past but they just weren't the ones, unloyal, can't be trusted, etc. That's my life and I'm okay with it.


My phone alarm goes off and I groan sitting up in bed and shutting it off. I check to see if I have any notifications but my phone seems to be empty. I get up and head to the bathroom. I throw water on my face before I change into my work out clothes. I grab my headphones, keys and phone then leave my apartment. I walk to the mailbox which is a block away and put my headphones in. I put my music on shuffle and start my jog.

Jogging always clears my head but, today I don't have anything to think about. After my jog I jump into a shower and get ready for work. I grab a banana and head out. I get into my Honda and head to Starbucks.

I walk in and go to the back to get my apron on. "Styles!" Liam comes up and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey" "I just want to inform you that we'll be having guys night at Zayn's this weekend." I nod and head to the cash register. I sigh and begin my shift.

"Hey Harry, have you seen Liam?" I look up from the register and see Haley. She has straight brunette hair that reaches her waist, and has the most amazing hazel eyes. I'm pretty sure her and Liam have something going on between them but, they say nothings up. "Yeah, he's in the back and should be out any minute" I smile. "Thanks. Oh hey one of my best friends are coming to visit." "Okay" I say not sure how to respond. "She is from New York and I really want you to meet her." "Alright"

Just then Liam comes from the back and his face brightens up as soon as his eyes land on Haley. "Haley!" "Hey Li!, I'll take the usual," Liam smiles and goes to get her drink. "So when will I be expecting to meet your friend?" I ask a little curious. "She is coming in tomorrow at 7pm so Friday" she smiles again. Liam comes back and hands her her drink and she giggles. I roll my eyes because I honestly think they should date already. I continue to work until closing.

"ALRIGHT LIAM I'M HEADING OUT!" I shout taking my apron off. Liam comes out. "Ok mate I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice night." "You too" I head back to my apartment. I throw a frozen dinner in the microwave and turn on the TV while I wait for my food to be done. "News...boring, reality...boring, gossip...boring" I finally decide to watch some show that has to do with cats.

The microwave beeps and I retrieve my food and sit on the couch to watch this cat show. Cats are so cute. I frown and think about my cat Molly back in Cheshire and realize just how much I miss her. I decide that I could use some company so I finish my food quickly and hop into my car praying that the pet shop is still open. I made it with an hour to spare. I walk in and see an old gentleman behind the counter. "Hey there, would you like help?" he asks with a pleasant smile. "I'm just looking thanks."

I make my way over to the kittens and carefully look at them. They are all playing with each other except for this one kitten in particular that catches my eye. It's a girl because she has a pink collar on. She is fully grey but all her paws are completely white and, she is the smallest thing. "I see you have an interest in the little one in the corner." I jump as the older man was suddenly behind me. "Uh--yeah" "We found that one in an alleyway, we don't know exactly what happened, but we assumed she was abandoned. She's only 2 weeks old."

I frown because I know what it's like to be abandoned. Every since my mum married that guy my life went downhill. He despised me but loved my sister. My mum noticed, but she couldn't go against him. And as soon as I turned 18 I left. That was 3 years ago.

"Can I please take her home?" I asked. "We don't allow kittens to go home until they are at least 4-5 weeks old" "Please" I begged. He sighed and ran a hand through what he had left of his hair. "Ok," I smiled. "First lets gather the supplies you will need before we get her." I nodded and followed him. I picked out a bowl and a cute little red collar with a bell on it and a litter box. The man told me what kind of kitten food I should get and I got a few toys and a little bed. The man retrieved the kitten and put her in a small cage. He rang me up and I winced at the pice $175 for everything, but I knew this would be worth it.

I thanked him before exiting the store. I placed the things in the trunk and put the little kitten still in its cage on the passenger seat. I started the car and drove off. "I'm pretty sure you're going to like where we are going. I promise you won't be sad." I said making conversation with the kitten. We get home and I grab the cage and the bag with all my products in it. I set everything up and then I opened the cage.

I sat next to it but, she wouldn't come out. "Come on, I won't hurt you." I smiled in the cage and then leaned back. She slowly made her way out and she looked around a little. She turned to me, she had light blue eyes. She came over and sniffed me a little before rubbing against my leg. I chuckled and picked her up gently. "We need a name." I thought long and hard and, decided she looked like a Mittens because of her paws. "Mittens, do you like that?" she gave out one of the cutest little meows I ever heard.

"Aww you're so cute!" I held her close and went to my bedroom. I placed her in the little tan bed I bought her and changed into my pajamas. I shut off the lights and got into bed. I rested my head on the pillow and shut my eyes. A few minutes later I heard meowing and it sounded more like a cry. I turned on the lamp on my night stand and looked down to see Mittens looking back up at me.

"What's wrong Mittens?" she meow cried again. I sighed and picked her up placing her next to me. I shut off the light again and she immediately cuddled up against me. I smiled and fell asleep.

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