Chapter 2

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sorry it took so long to update. Her dress to dinner is in the image box.


I got dressed quickly and was down in time to hear my father talking. "She doesnt need to know yet." He was saying. "She has the right to know how her mother died." I could just imagine my dads sad expression. Mother's death was the saddest moment of my life. It had been even worse for Dad. "Ill talk to her tonight." Is all he said before I walked into the room. "Tell her what?" I decided to play dumb. He looked once more at Ms. Roberts, the maid, and then back to me. "Nothing." He said forcefully. I smiled and we walked out to the car. "Do you know how your mom died?" He started out. I held back tears but nodded.
We got to the restaurant in a matter of minutes.
The doorman opened the-you guessed it- doors for us and we walked into the nicest restaurant in the city.
   Perry's, another place my dad loves, is a place I can barely stand. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my dad, but I hate how he loves this place so much.
   After my mom died a few months ago, I wouldn't be able to  find him anywhere else. We walked in and the bartender waved us over. "How are you today, Robby?" The man asks and I'm not surprised to hear they know my dad on first name basis. "I'll be good after a drink." He smiles and the guy behind the counter laughs.
   We have a great meal and laugh our heads off. I'm lucky my dad is one of the few adults who have a sense of humor.
   A few hours later we have finished our plates of food, dad has downed a pint of wine and he already looked pretty out of it. "Hey, Dad?" I start out, testing the waters. He smiles at me. "Yes, sweetheart." He pushes me to continue. "I'm gonna go for a walk. You can meet me at home if you want." He frowned and said. "Nah, I'll just come with you." He smiled at his conclusion. I rolled my eyes. "There is no reason for me to have to take every breath of fresh air with you. Dad, I love you, but you are a little over bearing!" He shook his head, quite drowsily. "I'll come with you." I glared at him. "This is some time I need to myself." At that I stood from my chair, nearly knocking it over, and storming out of the restaurant. I walk to the back of the building, where I know there is a small alley way. It is private and peaceful to my eyes. I close them and take a deep breath. "For once, I don't have to worry about what Dad wants me to do, or be. I can do whatever it is that I feel like." I say to myself. Suddenly, I hear a footstep stampede and turn to see a man charging at me. "Who are you?" I question, stumbling backwards. "You will find out soon enough." He replies, gruffly. I shake my head, hoping it is just a dream gone wrong. Only it isn't, this is really happening. Instantly, I feel a pang of fear run through my body. Making the hair at the back of my neck stand at attention. I close my eyes and shriek when I feel cool, moist cloth cover my eyes, nose and mouth. Then it all goes dark, and one thought remains in my mind. I've just been kidnapped. I hear it repeated in my ears three times, before that goes blank as well.


A cliff hanger!!! I love and hate when that happens. Sorry it was short.  

 Sorry I haven't been updating much, school has gotten in the way, again. Hope you liked this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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