By the People other than me(+me sometimes)

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"Cat, get out of the way. I need to color this flag."

"I never knew it could be too hot and too cold at the same time."

"This is an abomination I made."

"This one is called I-sea-a-see. It can see."

"As you can see, it defies the laws of physics."(might not be exact)

"I appreciate being with a human."

"I just learned how to sit."

"That's not long division, that's wrong division."

"It can only be seen by the eyes of the blind in the middle of the night."

"Why is there a bone in the dishwasher?"

"Anyways, just work on the gorillas."

 "I think Mario thinks we might give him some food."

"I used to hear a simple song. That was until you came along. Now you are being loud as flip, shush."

"Metamorphic rocks are just rocks that went through Earths Microwave."

"I will turn off the mushrooms for you."

"I think I can make a void banana if I merge Gaster and a banana."

"Anyone want some horse beer?"

"We don't talk about Tacobell."

"Don't forget to bring your teeth to school."

"I will bake your hair."

"When you were cleaning up, you put dragon eggs on your math book."

"That's golden diabetes."

"Opportunistic drowning"

"I can't believe you lost the entire continent of Africa."

"You exiled the math?!? Ok then..."

"Of course, chests aren't bottomless."

"That means I read about a character named water. Hmm..."

"🎵The Car is always wrong.🎵"

"Finally! I exist!"

"I support the Tommy army!"


"I think you forget that I am god!"

"Anything can be a melee weapon if you smack someone hard enough with it."

"Yay! Now I can make all the grammar mistakes I want!"

"The kids are swimming in the worms!"

"It's gonna be the death of me, but I'm not going to be mad when it happens."

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