Chapter two - The only ones who need love are... me

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Hi everyone B) btw, bold texts are authors notes-
The song was just a song i was listening to while writing this chapter! So it's gonna have it's vibe ig-- So anyway- this chapter is gonna be from Gingerbrave's POV!! :D Enjoy the story B)

Content warning; Mild language

Gingerbrave POV

I was just in my room, bored as ever, I didn't want to go downstairs, because of my "birth giver" Dark Enchantress cookie. I didn't even want to call her mom.. That's how fucked up she is. She treated her "subjects" nicer than she did me. Am I really that bad of a cookie? I thought to myself, looking out the window. Nobody knew that I was related to the monstrous villain Dark Enchantress, not even my best friend wizard.

I felt bad keeping secrets from him so he doesn't have to worry. Plus, if he was in my position he'd probably do the same. On the outside, we both seem completely different, but we're both very similar in many ways. I may seem really out going and he seems very awkward, but him and I are actually really similar in our interests, and moral wise. But with magic, Dark Enchantress forced me to go to magic school, because she wants me to "continue her legacy" after she crumbles.

I don't want to though..

She won't have to know after she's gone, I know that deep down the rest of the darkness wants to leave too, but can't, in fear of her.

She's horrible, and what makes it worse is that she's so bipolar! One day she'll be nice and caring and sweet.. But the next second she's awful.. and angry, and scary. I snapped out of my little space-out when I heard my phone buzz. I looked over and saw.. Well, I had to walk over first.

wanna hang otu



I snickered a bit at the text, it was from wizard, I could tell by the bad spelling before I saw the contact.

sure :)

I checked my phone percentage, 84%. Good enough for me to take it with me, it's not like it dies fast. I shoved it in the pocket of my shorts, getting up, I looked in the mirror and shook my head semi-fast, my brown-to-white gradient hair lightly following along the path my head went along.

I opened the door to my room, and slowly walked down the stairs, not wanting to wake the cake hounds. That would cause a huge wreck, especially since Red Velvet had assumably just put them to sleep. He'd probably get pissed if I woke them up. He was sitting on the floor with some of the small ones around him, petting them.

"Hey, RV," I whispered, he was my brother, and he also was not that much of a fan of Dark Enchantress. "Hm?" He hummed quietly, gently scratching behind chiffon's ear. "I'm going out, where's 'mOm'?" I said 'mom' in a mocking tone, as he held in a laugh. "No idea. I'll tell her you went out if I see her." He said quietly, patting chiffon.

"Thanks," I thanked him, walking out the door and out of the estate.

I felt the cold air hit my face, as I squeezed my eyes shut as the wind hit my body. I opened my eyes again, enjoying the soft crunch of the frost below my shoes as I walked along the grass. It was a satisfying sound, that basically everyone finds appealing. I made my way over to Wizard's house, knocking on the door. "Coming!~" A voice hummed from inside of the house.

I noticed from the tone of voice, and the pitch that it was Latte cookie, and not wizard. I got used to her answering the door, since wizard himself was too shy to answer it. The teacher opened the door, smiling. She was wearing a white t-shirt, and black shorts. Her hair was tied up in a neat ponytail, as she opened the door. "Hi! I assume you're here to see wizard cookie?" Latte smiled. "Mhm, is he here?" I asked, as she nodded. "Let me go get him," She hummed, closing the door for a second.

A few seconds later, Wizard opened the door and walked out, closing and locking it. "Hey," He quietly said. "Hi!" I squeaked out. He awkwardly kind of just.. Stood there. "Where do you wanna go? Do you wanna go to the fountain again? That was really fun!" I smiled, Wizard chuckling. "Sure, don't see why not." He was always sort of stiff when we first hang out, but in a bit he warms up to being outside and in public. 


"So, anything new?" Gingerbrave asked, wizard shrugging. "Nah." He hummed out. "Damn, there's new cake hounds at my house, it's like they keep multiplying like rabbits," The taller boy chuckled. "It's like Red Velvet is your roommate or something!" The short boy snickered out. Shit, does he know? No, he's just joking, right? Gingerbrave laughed it off, assuming he was worried about nothing. It's like him to over-think and panic over the tiniest things, so he just assumed nothing of it.

Wizard (thankfully) didn't notice Gingerbrave's short, internalized panic, as they continued walking. They made it to the fountain, as they had to walk up a few stairs to get up to that place in the kingdom. They saw other cookies of all types, common, rare, epic, legendary, ancient, all that stuff. They were just chatting, sitting on the ledge. They were also subconsciously watching other cookies walk by, playing, shopping, chatting, etc. Gingerbrave suggested that they went looking around in all the little corner shops, but Wizard replied that they didn't bring any money as far as he knows.

Gingerbrave nodded, awkwardly giggling. Wizard seemed awfully jittery today, and the tall boy wondered why.

"Is something up with you Wiz? You seem really nervous, did something happen before I came to your house?" Gingerbrave asked, full of innocent curiosity. "H-Huh? Oh, no, just.. Mornings, y'know? Haha," Wizard awkwardly stated, laughing. "Yeah, I know," Gingerbrave giggled. He knew wizard was lying, but he didn't want to pry any further, because he knew Wizard would get annoyed and such if he kept nagging, so he kept quiet about it. 

"So.. Are you staying with Espresso and Latte for good? Like as in permanent family?" Wizard didn't mind anyone bringing up the fact he was a foster child up, since his parents had crumbled from some unknown reason to him. "Meh, don't really know," He hummed, but then continued. "Actually, I might be moving to Sea Fairy and Moonlight pretty soon." The small school prodigy said. "Ohh really? That's so cool! They live like.. In the same area as Espresso and Latte, right?" Gingerbrave beamed. "Mhm, their house number is like.. 323, I'm pretty sure, don't completely know though!" Wizard shrugged, laughing softly. 

"I would love to stay with Espresso and Latte, but.. They just argue a bunch and I have to deal with it. They're great cookies, but by themselves. I'll still see them, since Latte is our homeroom teacher and Espresso is our scientific magic teacher," Wizard smiled. God, how gingerbrave adored that adorable smile of his. Wait, adorable? He totally meant that thought in a platonic way, HAHA YEAH, PLATONIC. NOTHING ROMANTIC AT ALL. HAH. NOPE. JUST FRIENDS. TOTALLY NOT IN A CRUSH THAT HE WANTS TO CUDDLE AND GO ON DATES WITH AND CONSTANTLY TALK TO AND KISS- JUST A FRIEND.

A/N: Gingerbrave the Adrian Agreste kinnie not clickbait- Anyway, sorry for the bad ending! It's just I'm like half awake lol Thanks for bearing with this super short chapter vjvjhfhgvjhgshvkhgfjwhb 

Word count: 1284(plus A/N)

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