Chapter Five

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Upon returning to Eric's position back at camp, the Colonel had sent Gabrielle, Jason and Nick to go exploring the area up the stairs and through the large doorway near the main tent.

This took them outside the temple, the whole area looked like it could've been the temple entrance, even more debris scattered all over the place. What she hadn't expected to see was yet another cliff edge, a large wooden structure sticking way out over the edge with wires going through it and leading upwards.

"Looks like whoever was here set a line out." Jason commented as the trio approached the large contraption. Gabrielle hadn't been sure what to make of the situation as whole, at least for the time being. "Maybe we can get the radio working and send a signal out." Nick suggested. "It'll be worth a shot." He added.

Although Jason hadn't been sure of the suggestion this time. "A long shot. We don't even know if there's a working transmitter on the surface." Had been his response. Though she for some reason couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, keeping her eyes on their surroundings rather than the wires. "Those wires gotta go somewhere though... you think they still work?" He continued to muse out loud, the men getting right up close to the structure. The next out of the three to speak up had been Nick. "Looks to me like they just snagged up." The Sergeant answered, getting a closer look.

Gabrielle, however, was distracted by the sounds of inhuman snarling, not sure where the noise was coming from. "Jason! Nick! I don't think we're alone out...!" She started to call out to her comrades, only to be cut off by Joey pouncing at her and tackling her to the ground. 

He barely looked human anymore at this point, his skin all grey and veiny, his pupils just as white as the rest of his eyes, two thin horns portruding from his forehead and two unnaturally long, sharp fangs having formed on the top row of his teeth. "Joey get the fuck off me!" She demanded, trying to push him off while he was trying to get to her neck, still snarling and growling like some kind of rabid animal.

The moment Jason and Nick heard the commotion, they looked back to see her trying to keep Joey at bay. "Snap out of it, Joey!" Nick tried getting through to him, to no avail. Even though it didn't work, it did partially take Joey's attention away from Gabrielle. She used the opportunity to kick him in the abdomen, Jason firing warning shots in their direction, not wanting to shoot his comrade unless it was absolutely necessary.

That resulted in Joey losing interest in Gabrielle and charging at Jason instead, the pair rolling out onto the wooden structure. "What the fuck!" Jason shouted as he shoved Joey off of him and started to shuffle back. Joey didn't relent, continuing the vicious attack and clambering back ontop of Jason again.

The Lieutenant shoved hard, trying to keep his attacker at bay. "Shit, Joey! It's me!" He tried one last ditch effort to get through, but the effort had failed yet again. He had fortunately managed to push Joey off of him and get back to Nick.

Once Joey was on his feet and wanting to pounce at the trio again was when Eric had come running, Jason and Nick pointing their guns at Joey. "Stand down, Corporal Gomez!" Eric demanded, also to no avail, Joey just turning his attention to the Colonel instead. In reaction, Eric pulled out the UV light and put it in Joey's face, causing him to set on fire from the light. He stumbled around a bit before falling off the contraption and into the dark, seemingly bottomless, chasm below.

Gabrielle still hadn't gotten to her feet yet, letting out a sigh of relief once the attack was over while Eric looked at the UV for a moment. The following screeches had been so loud that even she could hear them. Jason helped her up, the four of them retreating back into the temple just in case any of those creatures came back.

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