Worthy To Be Royal?

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Most ponies wish to be famous, to have their names world known. Most ponies can only dream of having their faces plastered all over Equestria, to have them be known as somepony amazing, somepony spectacular. It is the dream of every filly and colt, to be a princess or a prince. It is the dream of all, to have their name and title preserved and cherished. To have their accomplishments worshiped and memorized. To have everything in life they could ever want. Well, that was never my goal, never something I strived for. I was a simple pony. One that only had sights on perfection, and anything that stood in front of me was not going to stand for long. I never really had many goals that I strived for, never had a plan in motion for how I was going to live my tomorrow. My sights were short but yet prepared. I watched the day I lived in, I kept myself in check. I knew what to do, I was the mare of the house. I was simple, normal, nothing special.

I had one goal and that was what I set my gears to. That was what I spent my time perfecting. That was the one thing that I 'strived for'. I worked hard to do it. I managed a little every moon. I managed to both impress myself and my goal, ever so slightly. Was I harder on myself than I should have been? Probably. But it has had it ups as well as downs throughout the years. If I say I was a normal, unprivileged, school pony, that would be a lie. For one I lived in the Capital City of Equestria. And my mentor, was the princes that governs this whole nation. My babysitter was a another, amazing princess and my older brother was climbing his ranks onto the Royal guard.

So, no, I was no ordinary filly growing up and I still am not and I never will be. But what I mean by 'normal' is that I never had intentions, hopes or dreams of anything out of the ordinary for a filly like me.

The thing I mentioned about what I strived for, was to impress my idol and mentor, Princess Celestia. That was my life growing up. I had never really mixed well with other fillies or colts, and my brother was always busy practicing to join the Royal Guard. As for my parents, both of them had to work all day to support me and my brother. So it was normally me and me alone. I spent my time, sticking my muzzle in books, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias or anything else that gave me information and knowledge. I spent my time researching and studying.

When I wasn't in school, learning and re-learning things, I would be at home reading and re-reading. I always wanted my mentor to notice my efforts, and as a filly I never thought she did. I had always assumed she never cared for my intelligence and that she loved my raw abilities, instead. Yes, I did adore her, though I did wish she would acknowledge my smarts. And that was the one thing I desired as a filly, and yet when I got it, I was horrified to realize the consequences might destroy my whole life.

The day I realized that these wings might ruin my life was the day of my after party, with all my friends, and even random ponies I had never met. Ok, more or less at midnight of that day, but to me it still was that day.

I remember it as if it was yesterday...

...I was greeting all the guests to my party, hosted by the princess herself in honor of my success. I was over the moon delighted at this. It was everything I ever wanted in life just gift wrapped in one big ballroom. I couldn't stop smiling, and my friends had mentioned that a few times, mainly Pinkie and Rarity.

It was going amazingly, everything was spectacular and nothing could have possibly ruined it, right? 


It started when these two mares trotted over to me to 'chat'. I didn't think much of it then, so I agreed blissfully.

"Well, Princess Twilight, what are you gonna do with that title of yours?" 

One of the posh looking mares asked in quite a rude and unpleasant manner, 

"Well, I.. am, going to... um..." I stuttered, I didn't have an answer, I was, like I said, not one to think in the future. The other mare rolled her emerald eyes, in a very dignified manner, 

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