Chapter 1

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I got this new notebook! Hi, I'm Nelly, and I am the daughter of May Isabella Agula. My mom is 24. My father is Kinio Gulo Agula. He is just 2 years older! My dad is always out so I never really see him.. Anyways! My best friend and I went out today to buy something for my birthday, It had passed 2 days ago, and she wanted to buy me something good! So we went out to the store and she bought me a notebook!


Nelly Agula


My mom and I found this super cool journal in the basement today! It looks super old, but my mom told me to read it! I'll stick a few pages on from time to time. Here's the first one:


The massacre was coming quickly, but we had barely started packing. The screams of nearby towns were tiny little voices in the distance telling us he was near our village. We quickly packed up everything we had and drove off quickly. We had to do something.

That's so long ago! How did my mom even find this? But a massacre? What's that? Is it a horror entry? I don't know! Anyways, bye!

-Truly yours,

Nelly Agula


I started my first day of school 4 days ago! September 10, 2007. I made loads and loads of new friends already! I even showed them my new notebook! They thought it was super duper cool! They said they wished to have a notebook like mine one day. Anyways, I started a book called Luminous, it's so good! Chapter one is CRAZY! Lerina found a weird map thing, and is looking for the other piece, by getting clues and such! Anyways, goodbye notebook!

Nelly Agula

09/ 16/07

My friends are so mean! They bullied my younger brother who's in grade 2! They called him ugly and pushed him to the ground. I am unfriending them. In the meantime, let me show you more of the journal my mom found. Also, it says it was owned by a girl named Anne Harlo. My mom says she's very special to the family, and that she saved her from death! This Anne girl sounds like a seldom person! If you didn't know, seldom means rare! I leant it in school. Anyways, here's the page:


Gosh, this is pretty embarrassing for me, Runa and Isabella are fighting because Isabella is old enough to go inside the hospital but Runa doesn't want her to get in 'cause she is "too young." she is 16! She already got her driving horses lessons! I don't understand why Isabella is too young. Whatever, lets just continue.

Who is this Isabella girl? Why does she have the same name as my mom's middle name? She sounds so old! And who is Runa? What age is she? I betcha she is like 19! That's so old! Anyways, Bye! I got to go to church! Yeah, I go to Church on sundays. Do you?

This is what my church looks like. Bye!


Nelly Agula

Dear Mrs. Agula,

We need you to come over to our newsplace, we need to ask you loads of questions about this "beast" you've experienced. We feel like loads of people would like to hear this story of yours, you will be awarded 500,000 dollars in cash, and you will be worldwide famous! You can tell everyone what it was like, and how it was to experience this dangerous adventure, tell everyone what you thought of, how did you end up in this city, you can really explain to everyone your feelings, and what it was like to be in that situation, with the whole beast and everything... anyways, just call me up if you feel like you want to tell everyone your story. Please.

Phone number: ***-555-7829

A Journey to a Safer place, The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now