Chapter 2

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My.... My parents are officially divorced. I... I don't know what to say.... My parents are broken up, and now I have to stay at my parents houses for 1 month each. I just don't know what to say anymore, I.. I- it's just like my life is over, what do I do? Do I just accept defeat? Allow them to divorce? What do I do...? I feel dead, I feel buried, I feel overwhelmed, I feel.... Gone..... Why does it have to be so numb? They were just fine at dinner yesterday, now they're divorced? What went wrong? What happened? Also, about the note thing, it was my mom. Of course, why did I think that it was just the dumb magic? Magic nor fairytales exist. It's all FALSE.


Nelly Agula


Dumb first day of school. I hate this day. I always do. My optimistic self is always fake. I know that I'll meet toxic friends, my brother gets bullied, and I get made fun of for being a "nerd" or a dumb "bookworm" I hate this. I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT! School is dumb anyway, they think that they're helping people, but really, they are breaking them. WHY ARE WE FORCED TO GO TO SCHOOL WHILE OUR PARENTS GOTTA LIVE IN DESTINY?


Nelly Agula


Halloween, the only day of the entire year where you get diabetes instead of family, and costumes instead of your actual identity. This day is terrible, we still need to go to school just to show off your ugly costume, and disgusting make-up, and get compliments like "WOW! I LOVE YOUR MAKE-UP!" But they really hate to and just act like it to make you feel good. A day you're supposed to have fun with family, but really it's horrible.

Definitely angry,

Nelly Agula


Hey, I'm sorry for what I wrote last time, I just wanted to rip that whole entire page off for what I said. I guess I was just so angry that it was halloween.... But I'm doing better now! I started going to therapy on November 15, and now I'm doing much, much more better. I won't be making many entries, but I might in January!!! I'm going on vacation to Norway on January 9 with my mom's side of the family! That means, my cousins, Allen & Alia, They are amazing! My uncle, Jerry, and my step-aunt, Aleena. They are the BEST people in my family! Also, that reminds me, JOURNAL PAGE!!!!!


What did I do..? Runa JUMPED OFF a BUILDING for me! WHY?! Why didn't she just let me die? She doesn't deserve death, after all she has done for me, for Isabella, for... dad.... She has done everything! I don't deserve life....

Awww this girl seems so sad! I used to be as sad as her.... That's why I'm in therapy! I feel terrible for her! I wish I could help her, but she's probably passed now, or maybe she lives in, I don't know, Asia? Well, wherever she is, I hope she makes it out of her fight. I hope her other sisters are alive, like Isabella! Or that Yami guy.... Also, I'll put in a picture of my therapy!

Happier now,

Nelly Agula

Sorry that it's bad! It's honestly the best I can get it to look like.


Merry Christmas! I won't be writing much. I just wanted to say that I am doing much, much more better. I have great friends (That aren't toxic) and my brother has amazing besties! Also, I'm sorry that I didn't write anything to you during my vacation, I forgot to bring you! But, it's okay! You can forgive me, right? Normally, everybody can forgive me... But, It's okay if you can't!!! I know you don't really have "real" feelings....... Nevermind!

Truly sorry,

Nelly Agula


It's valentine's day!! I can't confess to my valentines! It's too embarrassing!!! I mean, they're so cute, kind, nice, hawt, everything you'd want in a person! I love them so much! I'm only saying "them" because I don't want you to know what their pronoun is! If you do, you will most likely know who I like!!! I don't want that! >w<

I will write back here later today so you can see what they said!

Very excited/nervous/embarrassed,

Nelly Agula



OK!!! OK! I need to calm down. Anyways, so now me and him will be going to the dance tomorrow! My school is only doing the dance on friday (feb 15) because it will definitely be MUCH MUCH easier...... Or at least, that's what they said...

I think.....


Nelly Agula



Me and my friends hung out, I got to dance with my crush on the dance floor, and I got a sneaky kiss on my cheek from my crush! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


Also, after, my mom let him hang out at my house for 3 hours! We wanted Ponyo, then we played board games and we made jewelry for each other. He made me a beautiful necklace! I'm going to wear it to school tomorrow!! I definitely will look prepossessing, or alluring in it! Just, if you're wondering, they're both synonyms for "beautiful". I learned that from google, or the website that google used to learn it from. Anyways, him and I then went to the basement and played some of my games for like... 40 minutes! Later, after that, we went upstairs and played video games for the rest of the time. He left long after. I'm so happy that we got to hang out today!


EEEEE It's MAYYYYYY!! I'm not really that excited, but it's going to be mothers day! I got my mom a new journal, a new picture frame, and flowers! I heard that she liked to read and write! I hope that one day she becomes an amazing writer, and that she enjoyed writing about things in 1995! I heard that cars were made back then! That's only like, years ago! Anyways, also, I'm going to stay at my mom's place for mother's day, and my father's place for father's day. Well, isn't that pretty obvious! Haha! Anyways, Gotta go to the mall! I'll show some pictures on it! Bye!!


Nelly Agula


Almost Father's day! I got my dad a new glass keychain charm thingy, a book, and a pack of 5 pens!

I don't what else to say,

Well I'm staying with my fathers for these few weeks, it's super fun here! Also, my father has a new girlfriend, her name is Amelia, and she has a 10 year old daughter who likes to listen to weird songs, and talk to her friends 24/7. She's quite annoying to talk to and get along with, but I guess she's nice. She's a great listener. Her name is Amelita.

Amelia and Amelita.


Nelly Agula


Weird date am I right?


Nelly Agula

(Sorry that it's kinda short!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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