Your Soulmate

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*You reached the FAN SIGN , you were really excited and thought of wearing the ring your mom gave. You were thinking what if your Bias Kim Namjoon is your soulmate. You started seeing everyone black and white*

First you meet Jin in the Fansign he was unlikely not your soulmate.

Second you meet J Hope the same happened.

Third (V) , Forth (Kookie) , Fifth (Lil Meow Meow) weren't your soulmate...

Sixth came RM (Kim Namjoon) Unfortunately he was not your soulmate.. You were really sad and thought you bias and your Bias WREAKER both are not your soulmate... You were sad as what is your soulmate is not from BTS then who....

Seven was Jimin you were surprised that he is your soulmate you could see colour for him ....

You became shy and when you were talking to jimin you were blushing ...


This story is also available on YouTube I have gove the link in the description of the story you can see the full story there it is my youtube channel itself.
This story is actually a short one so the parts are also short on YouTube is doesn't have parts. And also some real things are also there in the youtube one used like animation (real videos).


You see everything black and white until you see your Soulmate Where stories live. Discover now