1: McGonagall

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"Hello, students and welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. I hope you have all had a relaxing break and are refreshed. Let us pass a moment of silence for all of our friends, relatives or siblings that we have lost in the war."

*moment of silence*

"After the feast, I request all 7th years to stay back. Thank you."


*after the feast*

There are murmurs all around. Everyone is confused as to why the 7th years have to stay back. As the rest of the school begins to clear out, I prepare myself to tell them about the new program the ministry has launched.

"Students! I have your attention. "

"The ministry has started a new campaign. As you all know, the ministry knows all your soulmates. I have been requested to ask you all to write a heartfelt letter to your soulmate. You will not be able to write your name at the end of your letter. You may give them clues on who you are and once they have guessed, you may start living in a dorm room together on the topmost floor. Till then you will all return to your respective house dormitories after completing your letter. The letters will be delivered by themselves to your soulmate once you fold them into a paper plane. You will not be able to follow the letter as it will be invisible once it is in flight. "


"Mr Weasley you must keep calm and write with the parchment and quill before you. As to answer your question, this is required for you to spend more time with your soulmate as well as get to know them and be friends before you eventually get married(if you decide to.)"

A/N: Hi guys, this is my first story. I hope you like it. if you want me to add or remove anything or have  ideas for future chapters and who to pair with who, please message me



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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