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so i first had this idea way back in january of 2018 and it has since grown and evolved into something completely different. i've been actually writing it since december 2020 so it's been in the works for a while lol but i wanted to get some of it out of the way before posting since i know how i am with keeping a schedule on these things (chapter 6 is underway and chapter 2 is too, but those in between are done!! yay!!). however at this point this fic is my baby i love it so much and i hope my readers enjoy it as much as i have writing it <3

anyway. this fic is going to be different from anything i've written before as it will later on get into teenage sexuality in relationships a bit, which is why it's rated T. nothing will ever be graphic but i thought it was an important theme to touch on in this story since it is something many teens experience and this is sort of a "growing up" themed piece. i think it's very important not to brush these experiences under the rug and pretend teenagers aren't doing these sorts of things because all that leads to is unanswered questions and associating negative feelings with something that is natural and also a huge part of growing up

if mentions/discussions of teenage sexuality make you uncomfortable, then this may not be your cup of tea and that is ok! feel free to click off as soon as you read this note :D

however there will also be NO smut at all so for people who read that you will not find it here.

if you've made it all the way to the end of this exceedingly long note, thanks for clicking and i hope you enjoy what's ahead!


Max had just had such a shit day, and she hadn't even gone to work. The other team had flattened her team in the volleyball match in gym class, her English teacher had assigned another essay (and she hated writing essays), some random junior on the baseball team had harassed her in the halls every time he saw her, and to top it all off her stepfather was pissed about something. She could tell from the way he cut off every sentence she tried to say at the dinner table.

She already knew where she'd probably go, but she slipped her phone out of her pocket as she escaped into the bathroom to text one of her friends.

Ginger: Yo u at work tn?

He texted back almost immediately.

Scarecrow: yeah close at 9

Ginger: Coming by

He sent a thumbs up and Max flushed the toilet to fake like she'd actually used it before going back out to help her mom clear up. By the time Neil had retired to the couch in front of the TV and Max was done with the kitchen it was past 8, so she told her mom she was going for a walk and then grabbed her skateboard from by the door.

The night air was cool against her face as she rode, pushing her hair out behind her. It hadn't reached the point of September where the wind had a bite to it yet. It was just nice. Her mind wandered off into nothing as though the wind itself had blown all her thoughts away.

The GameStop glowed white, showcasing its wares through backlit windows. It was where a RadioShack had once been; making Max glad that it wasn't at the mall which was a good two miles further from her house than Main Street. She tucked her board under her arm as she pushed the door open.

"Hey," she called to the cashier, who was hunched over and didn't look up but waved a hand, his horribly yellow polo garish under the fluorescent lighting. She shook her head and moved to stand in front of the counter, staring pointedly at the top of his head until he acknowledged her. It was just like him to be like this when he knew she was coming.

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